Making apple pastille

Do you always want to munch on something sweet, but at the same time you have to severely limit yourself for fear of gaining extra pounds? Familiar feeling? Then you definitely need to try making apple marshmallows. It’s easy to prepare, you can eat with virtually no restrictions, without worrying about your figure. And this product is completely natural, containing only apples and a little sugar. Be sure to try it, an excellent alternative to industrially produced sweet treats.


Very little is needed:

  • apples 1 kg.
  • water 30 ml.
  • sugar 1 tbsp.

The procedure for preparing apple marshmallows

Prepare everything you need. You can take absolutely any apples. Depending on their sweetness, adjust the amount of sugar. If you are not a fan of sweets, then you don’t have to add any to most varieties.

Wash the fruits, cut into quarters, remove the cores and seed pods. If there are damaged or rotten areas, these must also be removed. Place in a suitable sized pan. You can even do it with a slide; when the apples are cooked, their volume will decrease.

Pour in water and put on fire.Liquid is necessary so that the mass does not burn at the initial stages, then it will be released from the apples in sufficient quantities.

Stirring occasionally, bring the fruits until softened. The time depends on the volume and width of the pan. On average, this will take no more than 20 minutes.

Using an immersion blender, puree everything until it is as smooth as possible. If desired, you can rub through a sieve.

Taste and add sugar if necessary.

Return the pan to the heat and, stirring constantly, cook for a few more minutes. The time depends on the juiciness of the apples and the initial consistency of the puree. In fact, the thicker it is, the faster the marshmallow will dry. So, if you wish, you can skip this point.

Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

Distribute as evenly as possible in a layer approximately 6-7 millimeters thick.

Dry in the oven with the door ajar at 100 degrees for about 2 hours, but the time will also vary greatly. The finished apple marshmallow will become transparent, elastic and will not stick to your hands. It should be separated from the parchment when the layer has completely cooled. The second drying option takes longer, you just need to leave the baking sheet in the kitchen, and after 4-5 days the delicacy will dry out without using the oven.

Using a pizza cutter, cut the layers of marshmallow into strips, roll into a tube and tie with thread.

You can store apple marshmallows in the refrigerator in a closed glass container for quite a long time.

Look how beautiful it is. And how delicious it is - words cannot describe it! Bon appetit!

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