Original DIY worm soap bubbles

A device for blowing soap bubbles in the form of worms is made in 5 minutes, and gives a whole cartload of joy and fun. All children love soap bubbles. Why are there children, adults don’t mind playing either. If you make two such blanks as in our master class, then you can organize competitions to see whose worm is longer. By the way, that’s how we played. We made two devices and went to the balcony for a championship in blowing huge worms. We invite you to try it too, we assure you that a charge of positive emotions is guaranteed!
Original DIY worm soap bubbles

Will need

To play, you need to have on hand:
  • Children's sock from the category of singles who have lost a pair.
  • A small plastic bottle.
  • Rubber band or tape.
  • Soap base (in our case, purchased, but you can make it yourself).

Making a simple device for blowing soap bubbles

1. Carefully cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle.
Original DIY worm soap bubbles

2. We put a sock on the bottle as follows. The toe of the sock should touch the cut bottom of the bottle. We fasten the sock at the neck. It is convenient to use a rubber band, but you can take tape or wrap it with thread.
Original DIY worm soap bubbles

3.We turn off the excess part of the sock and leave it on the container. If you cut it off, it will become shaggy and get in the way, so you shouldn’t remove this part.
Original DIY worm soap bubbles

4. Dip the bottom of the bottle with the stretched sock into the soap bubble liquid and blow as hard as you can. We get a long worm that wriggles in the wind. If the child is old enough, you can ask him to make a snail, cloud or heart and release it into the sky. Despite their large size, the bubbles are light and fly freely.
Original DIY worm soap bubbles

5. This is what iridescent bubbles look like in the sun.
Original DIY worm soap bubbles
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