How to cook straight eggs and surprise everyone

If you want to surprise guests at the holiday table or amuse the kids at a children's party, you should definitely cook straight eggs. The process is simple and interesting, let's figure it out together.
How to cook straight eggs and surprise everyone

You will need:

  • 10 eggs.
  • Cup.
  • Two hollow metal tubes.
  • Three bowls.
  • A pot of water.

Cooking straight eggs:

Take a tall glass glass (you can use a container from a French press), place it in a pan of water, press it down with a lid or other weight so that the glass does not float up and turn on the gas. It is important that the glass is immersed in water and heated gradually.
While the water is boiling, take 10 eggs and separate the yolk from the white.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

One bowl is for whites, the second is for yolks, and the third is for work. First, you separate the whites into a work bowl, then pour them into other whites, so if you accidentally ruin one egg, the rest will not be affected.
Using tongs or another convenient device, remove the glass, pour in the whites and place back in the pan over low heat for 25-30 minutes until the whites are firmly set.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Cooking straight long eggs at home

Prepare a hollow metal tube with a diameter the size of a yolk. Take the glass with the protein out of the water and insert the tube exactly in the middle.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Very carefully insert the tube until it stops, twist it and carefully remove it. You should end up with a round hole exactly in the middle.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Lightly beat the yolk and pour into the prepared hole.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Place the glass back in the pan for 25-30 minutes with the lid on. As the water evaporates from the pan, add new water.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Cooking straight long eggs at home

Now the most crucial moment has come: select a tube or glass of slightly smaller diameter than the container with the finished egg. Repeat the procedure described above. Carefully insert the hollow tube inside so as to capture the yolk and about a centimeter of white.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Press all the way, scroll and VOILA! The straight egg is ready! It's inside a tube or glass, shake it slightly and carefully take it out onto a plate.
Cooking straight long eggs at home

Eggs prepared in this way can be ideally cut for sandwiches or surprise guests with an unusual shape by serving them whole.
The only downside to this cooking method is time. To cook a straight egg you will need from 1.5 to 2 hours. But the result will definitely not leave anyone indifferent! Experiment!
Cooking straight long eggs at home

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Oleg
    #1 Guest Oleg Guests 10 October 2019 17:06
    The process of removing from a glass can be significantly simplified, without loss of protein, before cooking, insert another glass of parchment into the glass, and cut a circle of the appropriate diameter into the bottom of the same parchment, and then the boiled egg will fall out of the glass itself