How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

Imagine that you want to cheer up your family and friends in the morning. Get up early and cook an egg for everyone for breakfast (using the method described below). And as soon as everyone starts peeling the eggs, they will immediately be surprised, since inside there will be only a homogeneous yellow mass. In general, nothing like the usual: white and yolk. From surprise, they will definitely wake up completely and will ask you for the secret of cooking. Isn't it a great start to the day?
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

And so, in more detail. In terms of benefits, these will be absolutely the same eggs, only slightly modified in appearance. That is, we simply mix the white and yolk inside the egg without opening the shell. How to do it? - Using a simple and simple homemade device.

Device for mixing egg white and yolk

You will need a piece of PVC pipe that can easily accommodate 3-4 medium-sized eggs. We drill this segment on both sides and pass through 2 strong threads, a meter on each side. And we tie these threads into a ring.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

On the one hand, before tying, we put on a piece of thin PVC pipe. This is not necessary, but it will make it easier to handle.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

The device is ready.

Stirring eggs without opening the shell

And so, we take 3 eggs and wrap them in a towel so that they don’t break and “sit still.”
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

We put them in our device.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

They will not fly out, since they rest against the ropes on both sides.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

Now we place one loop under the leg and stretch the device.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

Screw the capsule in any direction.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

And let go, forcefully pulling the device between the loops.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

The pipe in the middle should be turned several times with force in different directions. As a result of the centrifugal force, the white and yolk inside will mix and create a homogeneous mass. To control, you can illuminate the egg with a regular flashlight.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

Next, everything is as usual: boil hard-boiled eggs.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

Serve on the table. We call the family and watch their reaction in surprise.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

By the way, such eggs are perfect for salad.
How to boil eggs in an unusual way to surprise everyone

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