How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Kitchen or utility knives usually last a long time and you get so used to them that it’s a pity to throw them away even if the handle breaks. Is it possible to restore it without much time and money? What is needed for this?
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Will need

We use a method that does not require special skills and knowledge from us, and at the same time, its implementation will take literally a few minutes. To work, we need, first of all, polymorphus – self-hardening thermoplastic, which when heated (65 degrees Celsius is enough) becomes plastic, and when cooled it hardens, acquiring all the properties of plastic: hardness, elasticity and at the same time very high strength. Read more about this miracle material here -

You can buy super plastic at Ali Express at a very attractive price -

Additionally we will need:
  • metal part of the knife (blade and shank);
  • sandpaper and napkins;
  • two containers for hot and cold water;
  • a source for heating water, for example an electric kettle;
  • hammer.

The procedure for molding a knife handle

We tidy up the metal part of the knife: remove the remains of the old handle, clean the oxidized areas with sandpaper and wipe with paper or cloth napkins. It also doesn’t hurt to degrease the shank with alcohol or another fast-evaporating agent.
We pour superplastic into a container (but not into a plastic one - it sticks to it) and fill it with hot water heated to a temperature of at least 65 degrees Celsius.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Lightly stir (deform) the mass, using the tip of the shank, until the entire volume of plastic becomes transparent.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Carefully remove the softened plastic from the water and immediately begin to form a handle on the shank of the knife.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

It can be given any desired shape, for example, anatomically corresponding to the hand of a clenched hand. To do this, it is enough to grasp the softened plastic applied along the entire length of the shank with your fingers and hold them in a compressed position for some time.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

It is also necessary to form the guard and the butt (end) - respectively, the front stop and the back of the handle. They are needed for safety and convenience of working with cutting tools.
In order for the polymorphus handle formed on the shank of the knife to cool faster, it can be lowered into a container with cold water.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

As this plastic cools down, it shrinks slightly, so the new handle will “sit” very securely on the shank of the knife without additional devices.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Handle strength test

The fact that the handle has completely cooled down and acquired maximum strength is indicated by color - it loses its transparency and becomes white. The handle can then be subjected to various tests to check its strength.
We hit the handle on a hard surface and even hit it with a heavy hammer - the result is zero: the shape does not change, there are no dents, there are not even scratches and, especially, cracks.
Now this knife is ready for any method of use and even throwing at a target from a decent distance.
How to make a durable and anatomical knife handle in 10 minutes

Prospects and advantages

The polymorphus handle will protect your hands from burns, even if the knife is doused with boiling water. This material is absolutely environmentally friendly and does not pose any danger to human health.
The handles can be given any color if coloring powder pigments are added to the plastic in a molten state. Also, if you don’t like its shape, then after heating it can be adjusted, many times, and the handle will not suffer at all from this.
And the last thing is very important! This superplastic should not be heated above 200 degrees Celsius.

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Comments (7)
  1. Valery Borisov
    #1 Valery Borisov Guests 9 July 2019 17:00
    10 minutes and how much is that in rubles?
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests 9 July 2019 23:57
    It won't last long in the kitchen, there are too many heat sources.It is better to do it using this method from cold welding for metal.
  3. Igor
    #3 Igor Guests July 12, 2019 11:30
    Cool. Only this plastic also easily softens later in hot water.
  4. Andrey Borisovich
    #4 Andrey Borisovich Guests July 14, 2019 10:20
    Too expensive. Cold welding (epoxy plasticine) is much cheaper. The result is similar.
  5. Guest Mikhail
    #5 Guest Mikhail Guests 14 July 2019 19:44
    There are holes in the knife, which means it’s easier to rivet two pieces of wood and file them. This plastic is not durable.
  6. Brom
    #6 Brom Guests August 15, 2019 08:26
    The author was either lazy or something else))) He made an anatomical pen like)))
    My pens turned out OK. Ali prescribed 100 grams, enough for 3 knives.
    Everything is normal... both in price and quality.
  7. grandfather
    #7 grandfather Guests 15 September 2019 12:51
    It’s cheaper to buy a new one and not show off