Very simple homemade DVB-T2 antenna with amplifier

If there is no DVB-T2 television signal of sufficient strength, it becomes necessary to use an antenna with an amplifier. Such equipment can be easily assembled with your own hands from purchased parts, the cost of purchasing which will be about 1 dollar. The universal amplifier SWA-99999 used in this design was used for analogue television broadcasting, so it is quite possible to remove it from an old antenna.


  • copper wire 3 mm – 112 cm.
  • antenna amplifier type SWA-99999 or other -
  • coaxial TV cable;
  • a piece of tying wire or nylon tie;
  • a couple of screws, clamps and washers.

Antenna assembly

From a single piece of copper wire 112 cm long, 2 connected squares with sides of 14 cm are bent. The result should be an antenna frame as in the photo. The ends of the wire need to be soldered. The distance between the aligned corners of the squares is equal to the gap between the mounting holes on the amplifiers.

A coaxial cable is clamped into the amplifier board. Make sure that the cable braid does not touch the central core and its clamping screw.

The amplifier is installed on the wire frame of the antenna using clamps, screws and nuts. For reliability, the cable is screwed to the frame with binding wire. If the antenna will be placed outdoors, then care must be taken to seal the board. It can be wrapped in a bag and insulated with tape or hidden in a suitable box, as is done on conventional grid antennas for analog TV.

A plug is installed on the second end of the cable and the antenna is connected to the DVB-T2 set-top box connected to the TV. It allows you to supply power to the amplifier. To do this, in the settings menu of the set-top box you need to select the “antenna power” item.

If the TV supports DVB-T2 and the set-top box is not used, then the amplifier needs to be additionally powered. To do this, a special power supply with a separator plug is purchased or removed from the old analog antenna. The cable is connected to this plug in the same way as before the amplifier. After this, the unit is plugged into the outlet.

In fact, such an antenna is capable of picking up a signal of sufficient strength even while indoors. It does not need to be taken outside, with some exceptions when it is very far from TV towers or there are high buildings that shield radio waves. This is a fully working device, the assembly of which does not require any special skills or knowledge.

Of course, on Ali Express you can buy a ready-made antenna for a couple of bucks (, but this is for those who don’t want to bother.

But if you still want to assemble a good antenna that is not inferior to purchased analogues and is absolutely free, then read this article - And pay attention to the dozens of enthusiastic comments about her work.

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Comments (10)
  1. Guest Yuri
    #1 Guest Yuri Guests 29 June 2019 09:10
    Where is the calculation for the antenna? What channel is it for? I would like to note that the use of an amplifier in most cases is not justified. The main gain is provided by the antenna itself, and the amplifier only compensates for signal attenuation in a long cable (for example, an antenna on the roof) and the antenna system, no matter what signal is transmitted, digital or analog.
    1. Aslan
      #2 Aslan Guests 4 July 2019 11:18
      Yes, it will catch everything without problems, all 20 channels, if everything is connected correctly, as the author says. At my house there is just an antenna on a pipe without an amplifier and it catches perfectly. True, the TV tower is nearby.
  2. Guest
    #3 Guest Guests 29 June 2019 22:31
    It's called the Kharchenko antenna.
    Read the materiel.
    1. Guest Yuri
      #4 Guest Yuri Guests 30 June 2019 14:16
      Who was interested in the name? Everyone already knows him.
  3. Guest Vladimir
    #5 Guest Vladimir Guests June 30, 2019 11:54
    If traders call the antenna “digital”, then you can understand them. Their job is like this - they will call it anything to sell it. But when a “techie” creates an antenna not only “digital”, but also specifically for DVB-T2, then vague doubts arise about its adequacy flushed
  4. Guest Sergey
    #6 Guest Sergey Guests 4 July 2019 11:08
    An antenna amplifier is important if the antenna is located far away, for example on a mast outside. It makes no sense on a short wire. It amplifies the signal so that it reaches the consumer with the least loss.
  5. Guest Andrey
    #7 Guest Andrey Guests 14 July 2019 21:32
    this antenna has an input impedance of 75 ohms, and the antenna amplifier has an input impedance of 300 ohms, which is converted by a transformer to 75 ohms, so the antenna amplifier must be connected without a transformer
    1. Guest Victor
      #8 Guest Victor Guests 11 August 2019 13:06
      The amplifier is soldered to this antenna without a transformer. And does such an antenna even need an amplifier? She already catches perfectly, without an amplifier or a rear screen. The length of one opening, the wire is 14.3-14.5 cm, total bend + bend = 285-290 mm. It catches all channels. I have 1m50cm from the ground, it catches at a distance of 18 km without interference. Another antenna (there is a mother connector in the window , I connect different antennas to it, the male connector, very convenient). To the mother connector, which is in the window, I insert a bare aluminum wire with the same diameter as the connector (the mother connector has an empty middle, like a tube), the length of the wire is 285 mm. All dimensions are the same at the previous antenna. From the ground 1m50cm, distance to the tower 18km, reception without interference. Good luck
  6. Vasya
    #9 Vasya Guests 19 December 2021 19:37
    A piece of wire inserted into the antenna socket of the set-top box gives a clear image. Without such problems.
  7. Guest Mikhail
    #10 Guest Mikhail Guests 7 February 2022 17:18
    There is no calculation.Each region has its own dtv broadcast frequency, so the antenna must be designed specifically for your broadcast. I did it several times. I took the frequency from the Internet once, then copied it from TVs with a ready-made antenna connected.