6 amazing experiments: electricity, magnetism, etc.

Physics is an exact science with its own laws, which can be demonstrated through spectacular experiments. Let's look at 6 interesting experiments.

1. Generating electricity from temperature differences

For the experience you will need:

  • Peltier element;
  • heatsink from the board;
  • microelectric motor;
  • a cup of hot water.

The experiment uses a Peltier element used in cooling systems. When voltage is applied to it, one side of the device is heated and the other is cooled. In this case, the element can also act in the opposite direction - generating electricity when the temperature of its walls differs.

If you place a Peltier element on a cold heatsink from the board and place a cup of boiling water on top, the device will generate electricity. The generated energy is enough to power the microelectric motor.

2. Proof of the weight of air

For the experience you will need:

  • lever scales;
  • 2 balloons;
  • needle.

You need to inflate 2 balloons and hang them on a lever scale. Some initially inflate more.

Since they both do not have identical mass, the arms of the scales do not freeze horizontally. If you carefully pierce one of the balls with a needle, then after the air is released, the rocker arm with it will rise. The experiment confirms that air has weight.

3. Electromagnetic gun

Based on the Ampere force, you can make a cannon. To assemble it you will need:

  • plastic tube up to 30 cm;
  • copper wire with insulation;
  • 2 lithium 18650 rechargeable batteries in a cassette;
  • neodymium magnets washers 5-8 pcs.

You need to plug one end of the plastic tube. 50 turns of wire are wound at its edge. One end of the wire is connected to the positive or negative terminal of the battery cassette. Several neodymium magnets are placed in the tube.

If you close the coil circuit by connecting its free end to the second terminal, the magnets will be pushed out by the Ampere force. This happens so quickly that it creates the visual impression of a gunshot.

4. Electromagnetic jumper

This experiment operates according to the same physical laws as a magnetic gun. To carry it out you will need the same materials, as well as:

  • capacitor 3300 uF 63 V;
  • postings;
  • circuit closure.

A capacitor must be included in the design of an existing magnetic gun. A homemade circuit breaker made of a dowel and wire is installed on one of the coil wires. It closes the coil circuit when pressed, and opens it when there is no pressure.

The contactor is inserted into the tube. If you lower magnets into it, then pressing the contacts will close the circuit and the Ampere force will push them. Having jumped up, and not flying out completely, since the current pulse on the coil is very short, they will fall again. The projectile will continue jumping until the batteries run out.

5.How to make aluminum react to neodymium magnets

It is possible to create conditions where aluminum interacts with a magnet. For the experience you will need:

  • aluminum plate;
  • powerful magnet;
  • thread;
  • 2 packs of matches.

Simply by applying a stationary magnet to the aluminum plate, you can make sure that there is no attraction. If you place the plate on two matchboxes and hang a magnet above it, then when it swings you can notice the aluminum swaying.

This effect occurs because when a magnet flies over the plate, an electric current is generated on it, which also creates an electromagnetic field. It interacts with the magnetic field, which is why the plate becomes loose.

6. The simplest electric generator based on a spinner

For the experience you will need:

  • spinner;
  • coil;
  • diode;
  • microelectric motor;
  • Neodymium magnets.

You can power an electric motor by connecting a coil to it through a diode and acting on it with rotating neodymium magnets. It is enough to attach permanent magnets to the spinner blades and place it on the stand. The magnets rotating on it, brought to the coil, together repeat the circuit of the electricity generator.

If you connect to such a coil Light-emitting diode directly, it will light up. In this case, the light will flicker, which is caused by the low speed of the permanent magnets.

If another suspended coil is connected to the electricity-generating coil, the axis of which contains magnets, then it will begin to oscillate under the influence of the Ampere force. Of course, only if you start the generator from a spinner.

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