How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

How to properly lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter? Many trimmer users do not pay attention to overheating of the mowing head gearbox. And, naturally, when something breaks, they immediately run to a repair shop. To save time and money on repairs, just lubricate the gearbox before the start of the season and forget about extra costs.
The gearbox is one of the most loaded parts in this device and quite often fails. Therefore, it definitely needs periodic maintenance.

Will need

For lubrication you will need very few materials and tools:
  • Disposable syringe with a volume of 5-20 ml.
  • Branded lubricant recommended by the manufacturer. As an exception, another type “Litol 24”, “CV joint” or another designed for lubricating gearboxes is suitable.
  • Hex key.

Lubricate the trimmer gear yourself

There is a bolt on the side of the head that is specially designed to introduce lubricant inside.
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

Unscrew it with a hex key.
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

We take a syringe and temporarily remove the plunger from it. We put lubricant into the cylinder.Usually this amount is 5-10 grams (a more precise amount is written in the operating manual for the lawn mower).
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

We install the piston in place and use a syringe to pump lubricant through the hole into the gearbox itself.
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

When the gearbox is full, tighten the bolt into place.
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

This completes the lubrication of the gearbox and your trimmer is ready for use.
How to lubricate the gearbox of a brush cutter in a simple way

Don’t be lazy to spend a couple of minutes after purchasing a lawn mower and before the mowing season to lubricate this important unit. And your tool will always be ready for work at any time and will last for many, many years.

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Comments (11)
  1. Guest Evgeniy
    #1 Guest Evgeniy Guests May 29, 2019 11:40
    And for eight years now, through this hole I have also been pouring thick (transmission) or even Nigrol oil through this hole with a syringe, the trimmer works perfectly, quietly. As soon as it starts making noise or getting warm, I fill it up again. Usually 3-4 days. Of course it’s expensive, but it’s worth it. Don't skimp on the oil.
  2. Guest Vladimir
    #2 Guest Vladimir Guests 29 May 2019 15:59
    The gearbox must be filled 3/4 full with lubricant, otherwise the seals will squeeze out.Before this, you need to clean the gearbox from old lubricant (gasoline is possible).
  3. Guest Victor
    #3 Guest Victor Guests 29 May 2019 17:57
    !. Before filling with new grease, the old one must be removed by washing. 2. You cannot fill the gearbox cavity with lubricant “all the way”, this will only increase the heating of the gearbox (mixing the lubricant will take a lot of energy). It is better to use transmission. 3. In general, the gearbox heats up primarily due to the “drying out” of the lubricant in the bearings. And the bearings in gearboxes are sealed - lubricant will not get into them.
  4. Dankodnepr
    #4 Dankodnepr Guests 29 May 2019 21:11
    I unscrew two bolts on the gearbox, into the first one where we pump grease, I screw in the grease fitting and pump the grease in with a regular car syringe. As for nigrol or oil, I wouldn’t recommend it. The fact is that there is an oil seal at the bottom of the gearbox, it still holds the lubricant, but when heated, nigrol or oil can fly out through the lower oil seal and the gearbox will remain dry.
  5. Mikha
    #5 Mikha Guests 30 May 2019 22:29
    If you stupidly add new lubricant to the old one, as the author writes, nothing good will happen.
    Old grease can be partially removed using gasoline
  6. 12
    #6 12 Guests 31 May 2019 13:53
    We put a silicone earphone insert on the end of the syringe. It turns out to be an analogue of a car syringe, i.e. The lubricant is pumped under pressure and fills the entire gearbox, and I think the bearings are lubricated.
  7. Schurik
    #7 Schurik Guests 31 May 2019 15:16
    For those who lubricate... It probably won’t get worse (if you lubricate it correctly), but I have my third lawn mower in about 15 years... (the last one was 2 years). Different manufacturers... Engines are running out of resources. (you have to mow a lot) The gearbox has never failed! Never lubricated...
    1. Alexander
      #8 Alexander Guests 11 June 2019 12:14
      The instructions say that maintenance of the gearbox is not required. Well check it out. If there is no lubricant there, add it. But if everything is fine with the scythe, then there is no need to service this unit. My braid is already 10 years old.
  8. Evlampy Sukhodrishchev
    #9 Evlampy Sukhodrishchev Guests 5 June 2019 17:35
    It wouldn't hurt to remove the old g... first. Doesn't the author know about this?
  9. Not a supporter
    #10 Not a supporter Guests 9 June 2019 23:24
    And the article is for those unlucky people who were sold a mower without instructions?
  10. Guest Vladimir
    #11 Guest Vladimir Guests November 21, 2020 00:26
    Isn’t it too difficult to make a boat motor using a trimmer?