How to make a simple and unusual box from alder and burl

I propose to create such an unusual box from a tree that is completely familiar to all of us - alder, and burl - a growth that is quite often found in the forest. In this box you can store absolutely any things, various small items, jewelry. The main thing when making a box is to use your imagination, to show your imagination, because you are not at all limited in the type of wood, the size and shape of the product and the number of inserts. Alder was chosen because it is a very common wood, it is easy to process, and at the same time, alder has a special pattern that has its own recognizable features.
How to make a simple and unusual box from alder and burl

Will need

To make the box we will need:
  • -Two alder planks 750 mm wide, 115 mm long, 20 mm high.
  • -Alder burl (you can use any other type of wood that has an unusual pattern).
  • -PVA glue.
  • - Varnish.

  • -Hacksaw.
  • - Fraser.
  • - Clamps.
  • -Sandpaper (various from fine to coarse), file.
  • - Chisel, knife.

Making a box from alder and burl

1) To make the lid, take one of the boards and mark on it with a pencil the recesses for the wooden inserts.The notches can have different shapes, it all depends on your imagination.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

2) To secure the workpiece, we will use clamps and scraps of boards. Using a router, hacksaw and knife, we select excess wood and level the surface with sandpaper and a file for the best gluing.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

3) The next step is to make inserts and glue them. To do this, we will saw off a couple of flat boards from the burl and cut out inserts from them and sand them.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

Apply glue to the inserts and clamp the lid with clamps.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

At the same time, in order to avoid possible dents and scratches, small spacers should be placed on both sides between the clamp and the cover.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

4) Next, let’s make the base of the box itself. To do this, on the second board we draw out the walls of the box with a thickness of 8 mm and remove the excess wood with a router (straight or rounded cutter). Leave the bottom 5 mm thick. Use coarse sandpaper to finally level the bottom and round the inner edges.
5) In order for the box to close, we will make a protrusion in its lid. Using a hacksaw
we get cuts of the same depth (3-6 mm). Use a chisel and file to remove excess.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

6) Sand the box with coarse sandpaper, removing the protruding parts of the inserts.
At the grinding stage, special attention should be paid to the burl, because its structure can only open with high-quality and long-term grinding.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

7) When the product is completely sanded, it can be coated with any varnish, oil or special wood coating.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

It takes very little time to make this box. It has a simple design and therefore can serve you for many years. Such a unique handmade item will be an excellent gift for anyone for different occasions.
How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

How to make an unusual box from alder and burl

Alexey Maksimovich Fedotov, St. Petersburg.

How to make an unusual box from alder and burl
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