Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Keeping your “swallow” clean is a normal desire of all car and motorcycle enthusiasts. But what if there is neither a water tap nor a hose at hand? No problem! An autonomous car wash using lithium batteries will help out. With its help you can wash a bicycle, a motorcycle, a car and anything else, say, windows in a house, etc. This device works on the principle of a pump, pumping water from a container to a sprayer under high pressure.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Will need

  • To make a car wash we will need:

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

The tool you will need is the simplest: a soldering iron with solder and flux, pliers, a knife and a hot glue gun.

We make a car wash

First of all, we prepare the battery for our device. We tin the contacts of lithium batteries with flux.We expose several copper wires from the insulation, and use them to connect in series the entire group of individual batteries into one.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Batteries with a voltage of 3.7 V (4.2 V when fully charged). We form 3 groups in series, and as a result we get approximately 12 V output.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

We wrap the resulting battery with tape, leaving only two end contacts for connecting the consumer element.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

We select the pump according to the voltage and current ratings from the battery. Despite its small size and low voltage (12 Volts), it is capable of pumping up to 6 liters of water per minute. Capable of creating a jet pressure of up to 7 bar.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

This design is so compact that it fits in a small plastic food container. We place the compressor in it, and make markings along the edges of its housing.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Use a soldering iron to burn four holes to secure it with nylon ties.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

One of the contacts leading from the pump to the batteries is connected through a toggle button. We burn a hole for it on the wall of the container and attach it with hot glue.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

It's time to connect the hoses to the compressor. But first you need to make holes for them with a soldering iron in the container body. We choose a suitable place and burn them. We push the hoses through and secure them by hand to the compressor outlets.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

They usually hold up well without additional clamps. We seal the holes in the body with hot glue.
The prefabricated battery, like any other, will need to be recharged. To do this, we cut a charging connector into the end wall of the container and connect it to the outgoing contacts of the battery.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Now is the time to attach the car wash to the water container. By choosing a regular bucket with a lid, you can easily do this.Using a soldering iron, we made several small holes in the corners and at the end of the container and secured it to the bucket lid with nylon ties.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

We burn a hole for the water intake hose in the lid of the bucket with the same soldering iron.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

We pass it through the plastic and lower it into the container. Cover the container with a lid. All that remains is to connect the garden sprayer to the outlet hose of the compressor.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

We fill the bucket with water and try the washing machine in action.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

As you can see, she copes with the task perfectly!
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

The pressure is enough to knock off fresh dirt.
Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Do-it-yourself portable mini car wash

Practical advice

At first glance, such an invention seems quite workable.
However, after a while, those who decide to repeat it will face some difficulties. Having chosen just such a prefabricated battery connection, it is customary to place Battery Management System (BMS). This is a small electronic module that regulates the ratings of individual batteries, output voltage, amperage, cooling of the cans, and continuously monitors their condition. Without it, such an assembly will not last long, since it is ensured that the individual charged elements are used unevenly, as well as their charge. In the absence of such a module, the battery life may decrease significantly.
Otherwise, this is quite a worthy creative work, which will provide an opportunity to keep your vehicle clean even in camping conditions.

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Comments (3)
  1. Akril
    #1 Akril Guests 17 May 2019 20:15
    It's a cool thing, I'll have to try it for myself.
  2. Guest Mikhail
    #2 Guest Mikhail Guests 17 May 2019 22:07
    For the price of the cheapest car wash!? 1400 rub.
  3. eddi5113
    #3 eddi5113 Guests 18 June 2019 09:15
    This battery assembly still needs to be properly charged, which the author did not mention, and the price of these batteries is comparable to a similar industrial car wash.