Simple homemade noodle recipe

Homemade noodles, mixed only with eggs and flour of the highest quality, are decidedly different from store-bought counterparts, and they will cost mere pennies. Dried noodles can be stored in a paper or linen bag and used if necessary.

I will show you a simple step-by-step recipe for preparing such delicious noodles in an uncomplicated way.

Homemade noodles will definitely decorate and complement the dish if you use it instead of store-bought ones.

Flour is calculated according to the proportion: 1 egg - 100 g of flour.


  • a) premium flour - 200 g,
  • b) chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • c) vegetable oil - 10 ml.

Just three ingredients!

Making homemade noodles:

1. Sift the flour through a sieve into a deep bowl. Make a well in the center and crack the eggs into it, then pour in the oil.

2. Knead a tight dough - it will be difficult to knead, but at this stage you need to form a bun. Place it in a bag and let the dough rest for 10 minutes.

3. The rested dough will become more pliable and pleasant to work with. For convenience, divide the bun into 3 balls and roll each one separately. The rolled sheet should be thin and transparent, like tracing paper.

4.Place the finished layer on a towel to dry a little.

5. Once all the dough is rolled out and dried, you can start cutting the noodles. To prevent it from being too long, the layer can be cut in half.

6. Next, roll up the tube.

7. Holding the knife at an angle (so as not to cut your fingers), cut thin noodles.

8. The rolled noodles will begin to unwind if you lift them up and crush them with your fingers.

You can immediately use these noodles to prepare a side dish or cook soup with them in chicken broth. If you dry homemade noodles for some time, they will be perfectly stored in the cupboard until the next use.

In general, as you wish: make it immediately for a dish, or for future use and use it immediately before preparing the desired dish.

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Comments (4)
  1. artdizz
    #1 artdizz Guests 15 January 2019 02:38
    crap doesn't work. The dough sticks together and you get tired of rolling out each pasta. I even sprinkled flour on the layers of dough - it didn't help. It’s easier to roll a “sausage” and cut off the dumplings with scissors - less hassle.
    1. Irada
      #2 Irada Guests 15 January 2019 16:39
      This means that for centuries people have succeeded and are succeeding, but you have not)))
      1. Sector
        #3 Sector Guests 18 January 2019 08:44
        Some secrets have been lost for making homemade noodles. Although in some villages they still do it. They tell you how they do everything. You start doing it yourself and nothing works. Although my hands have grown out of the right place. There is some nuance that everyone is silent about.
  2. Sector
    #4 Sector Guests 18 January 2019 08:42
    The pictures are beautiful, no doubt. I once bought a manual noodle cutter for the occasion, well, I think I’ll eat homemade noodles. I mixed the flour with eggs, of course. Everything sticks together and sprinkling with flour does not help. Well, or you have to disassemble everything one by one, but that takes a lot of time. The game is not worth the candle. It’s easier to buy good pasta and worry about it.