homemade noodles

Any mention of delicious food is accompanied by the comment “homemade”, which is understandable to everyone. They create culinary masterpieces, mouth-watering and unforgettable dishes with their own hands. A little more time spent in the kitchen, and the pleasure of lunch will make you forget long-term troubles.
The usual chicken noodle soup changes dramatically when you cook the noodles yourself. And if you increase the amount of ingredients, it can be frozen and used as needed.
You will need the simplest products: an egg, flour and salt.
1. Mix 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and flour into a very stiff dough. It should be thicker than dumplings; it will take effort during kneading to get a homogeneous mass.
homemade noodles

2.The dough is covered with a towel and left on the table for 10 minutes.
homemade noodles

Then it is rolled out into the thinnest circle, the surface of the table should be clearly visible through the dough.
3. Using a knife, cut the rolled out dough into strips 8-10 centimeters wide.
homemade noodles

4.Then take scissors and chop each strip of dough into noodles no thicker than a matchstick.
The chopped noodles are scattered in a thin layer on the table, sprinkled with a small amount of flour so as not to stick together.
Leave to dry for half an hour, stirring periodically.
homemade noodles

If chicken broth is being cooked at this time, the noodles are immediately dipped into it, and if they are being prepared for future use, they are poured into a plastic bag and sent to the freezer. Frozen noodles will save time, which can be spent on pleasant communication while waiting for rich chicken noodles.
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Comments (1)
  1. Aino
    #1 Aino Guests 21 August 2017 15:34
    Are scissors convenient for shredding? Does it work better if you use them rather than a knife? I didn’t know you could freeze noodles, I’ll have to try it.