How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

Work in the kitchen can be significantly reduced if you have certain skills in preparing various products. Many tasks can be completed faster instead of being done routinely using traditional methods. I propose to consider 3 methods, using which you can peel garlic, devoting only a few seconds to it.

Cleaning a slice with a knife

I consider this method the simplest and most convenient, since it does not require dirtying kitchen utensils. It is used when you need to remove the husk from only one clove of garlic. It is placed on a table or cutting board, and a wide kitchen knife is placed flat on top of it.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

You need to press sharply on it with your palm until you hear a characteristic crack. Due to the created pressure, the husk will crack and come off the slice.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

Cleaning slices in a jar with a lid

This method is used when more garlic is needed than a clove. Take an ordinary glass jar with a lid, for example, for sauce, mustard or tomato paste. One or several cloves of garlic are placed in it.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

The jar is closed and shaken vigorously.After shaking for several seconds, you can see through the glass that the husk has finally come off. If it doesn’t work, you need to shake it again. It is important to shake vigorously; this will not harm the slices. If you don’t have a jar, then a shaker will do, but then it will smell like garlic.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

Cleaning with whole heads

How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

This method is already heavy artillery, since it allows you to prepare all the cloves from a whole head of garlic in 10-20 seconds. To do this, you will need a light metal pan with a lid. The head of garlic is placed on the table, after which you need to press with your palm, resting your whole body on its side.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

Under pressure it will break up into separate slices. All of them are poured into a pan and covered with a lid.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

After this, all that remains is to roughly shake the contents, holding the lid so that it does not fly off.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

You can count to 10 to yourself and check for readiness. Some varieties of garlic are very resistant and therefore require longer processing. You can even clean 2 heads in one load.
How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

How to peel a lot of garlic in a couple of seconds

Of course, the proposed methods will save literally a few minutes, but collectively, if you know how to quickly work with other products, it is quite possible to reduce the preparation of lunch by half an hour. The time carved out in this way is much more pleasant to devote to more interesting activities.

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Comments (3)
  1. Guest Alexey
    #1 Guest Alexey Guests November 9, 2018 08:36
    This will not work with young garlic!
  2. Captain
    #2 Captain Guests November 9, 2018 08:57
    One important clarification. All of these methods are only suitable for fresh garlic. if the head is even a little wilted - just a knife.
  3. Guest Tatyana
    #3 Guest Tatyana Guests 11 November 2018 22:43
    During the preparation period, you need to peel a lot of garlic; I fill the required amount of garlic with warm water for several hours. During this time, the “skin” will become softer and easier to peel.