Adding a relay block to the car: DRL, recorder, pneumatic signal

Modern cars are equipped with various electronic devices as standard. But what if your car was produced a long time ago, when many accessories were not yet known? You can modify the electrical circuit yourself, the main thing is to follow electrical safety measures.
Note: Our material relates to purely technical topics. Questions about the legality of making changes to the design are the topic of another article.
So, let's look at a typical set of electronic add-ons with tuning elements:
  • automatic daytime running lights;
  • video recorder that turns on with the engine;
  • pneumatic signal powered by an electric compressor.

If you are familiar with the electrical part of a car, you probably know that any consumer (headlights, starter, fans, power windows) is turned on using a relay. This is convenient from a management point of view, and allows you to separate thin signal wires from thick power cables. To connect newly installed devices, we assemble a new relay block.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

First, let's look at the diagram

The operating algorithm is as follows: when starting the engine, the daytime running lights should light up and the recorder should turn on. After turning off the engine, these devices turn off. In addition, the DRLs must go out when the side lights or headlights are turned on: this is required by technical regulations.
For implementation, you will need three standard 5-pin automotive relays (sold in a car store). In the diagram they are indicated by numbers 1, 2 and 3.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

1. Green wire – power supply. 12 volts through a fuse are constantly supplied to contacts No. 87 (normally open) of relays 1 and 3. Output contacts No. 30 are connected to the positive inputs of the recorder and the running light module. The negative wire (ground) can be connected to the car body at the location where the devices are installed.
2. The red wire in the diagram supplies the control voltage of 12 volts, which appears after the engine starts (or turns the ignition key). In automotive circuits it is designated as “HOT RUN”. There are quite a lot of connection points: from the radio to the power supply to the fuel pump. The signal is easy to find in the description of your car.
3. When 12 volts appears on the red wire (contact No. 85), relay coils 1 and 3 are activated, the supply voltage through the green wire is turned on by the recorder and DRL (contacts No. 87 and No. 30 are closed).
4. On relay 3, the control voltage is supplied through normally closed contacts No. 87a and No. 30 of relay 2. When voltage is applied to contact No. 85 of relay 2, the coil is activated and stops the supply of control voltage to relay 3. The control signal comes from the side lights being turned on: The DRL goes out, but the recorder (via relay 1) continues to work.
The circuit can be upgraded by adding manual control.This will require three-way switches with three pairs of contacts.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

With this connection method, you can control the relay block manually. In the “OFF” mode (middle position of the switch), the circuit is disabled. The “AVTO” mode starts the recorder and DRLs when the engine starts. In the “ON” position, you can turn on the equipment with the engine turned off:
  • for example, a recorder for monitoring a car in a supermarket parking lot;
  • or illuminate the garage door with running lights without turning on the headlights.

Tools and materials

1. To implement the project, on aliexpress A box for 6 relays and 6 fuses was purchased, complete with contact groups.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

2. Switches, pneumatic signal button, crimp contacts, automotive relays.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

3. Wires, cambrics, automotive corrugation.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

4. Side cutters, pliers, insulation stripping kit (ISR), soldering iron, electrical tape, heat-crimping casing.

Step-by-step installation process

Before starting work, it is advisable to print out a detailed wiring diagram linked to your car: with color-coded wires and power connection points. It is necessary to mark the contacts, otherwise errors during assembly may occur. The diagram adds relay No. 4 with a button to turn on the pneumatic signal and a front parking sensor switch.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Important! External connections may vary depending on the vehicle brand.
1. We carry out the wiring of wires and connectors for the relay according to the diagram.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

2. Wires will inevitably cross each other; if the insulation is good, this is not a problem.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

3. Contacts are crimped mechanically; a soldering iron is not used.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

4. After connecting all the wires, we form bundles and place them in the corrugation.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

5. To connect control and power wires, it is convenient to use a ready-made connector: in this case, from the steering column switch of a classic VAZ.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

6. If the relay unit is installed under the hood, it must be covered with a standard cover. This is not necessary for salon installation.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

7. Connect the switches using crimp connectors.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

8. We assemble a test circuit to check the correct installation (of course, outside the car and with an input fuse). We simulate all modes.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Installation of wires inside the car

Power can be taken directly from the battery terminal, through a fuse. Or find the switching point in the standard fuse box (a diagram of your car is required).
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Important! In this box with aliexpress There are input fuses for each line.
All additional wiring is done in corrugation and secured to the body with ties.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

The harness is inserted into the passenger compartment through standard holes in the engine shield.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Inside the cabin, the cable is also laid in corrugation and attached to the structural elements.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

All connections are made by soldering, insulated with thermocable and again corrugated.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

For quick connection, you can use quick-release connectors (from the same aliexpress).
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

The signal from the dimensions does not have to be taken near the headlights. It is enough to make a tap (using soldering) from the connector of the light control unit.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

We install switches (buttons) in the cabin. We select panel elements without disturbing the design.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Switches should be accessible and unnoticeable: for example, in niches for small items.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

All wires are connected using removable contacts: for ease of dismantling when disassembling the interior.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

As a result, control and power wires with contact connectors are concentrated at the location where the relay unit is installed.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

We carry out a test switch on according to the diagram, check the functionality.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

In this case, the relay unit is installed in the floor console between the driver and passenger. The installation location is individual for different vehicles. Brackets can be made for fixation.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Check the fuses in the block.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

We finally fix the module in the console.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

We disconnect the long wires from the switches, install the switches in the niche, and put them back together.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Pneumatic signal connection

It is turned on separately from the standard horn, by a button on the control panel. To start a powerful compressor, a relay is installed (in the diagram: No. 4). The signal itself is attached to a frame element or underbody protection.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

The wiring is neatly laid out in the engine compartment.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

The corrugation is lowered to the installation site, the supply wire is connected to the pneumatic compressor.
Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Adding a relay block to a car DRL recorder pneumatic signal

Why through a relay? A direct connection will melt the signal button after 10 presses: the pneumatic compressor current is about 15 amperes.
Important: Direct power connection (using the car's standard fuses) is not recommended. In the event of a short circuit, you can cut off power to important components of the electrical circuit.
Any additional device is connected through its own fuse.
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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Dmitry
    #1 Guest Dmitry Guests 11 October 2018 10:35
    Soldering a flexible conductor does not like vibration. Breaks off at the hard/soft boundary. It may work in adhesive heat shrink, but there are no guarantees. In automotive equipment they use crimping of flexible wires, but it is better if it is a solid wire.
    And then we buy a car with such bells and whistles, and when something stops working, the search begins “where does this corrugation go?” - under the dashboard, in the position of the letter ZY, without any wiring diagram, an hour later, swearing at everything in the world, we find THIS - it turns out that the white wire turns into green, and the blue into black! The owner stands there with an innocent face. This is just the usual everyday life of an auto electrician.
  2. Arkady
    #2 Arkady Guests January 28, 2020 01:39
    I wonder where those who think they need to turn off the DRLs when turning on the headlights come from.
    Standard situation, bright sunny day - lights off, DRLs on. It becomes cloudy, we turn on the headlights to make the vehicle more visible, and then, according to some incomprehensible scheme, the DRLs are turned off. It turned out somehow strange.