Three ways to remove a rivet

Three ways to remove a rivet

Many industrial products use rivets as a way to securely and quickly fasten an assembly that will not be disassembled in the future. Thin sheet metals are often joined this way. If you have a need to remove the rivet without damaging the surface of the product, then I will offer three accessible methods to achieve the desired result.

Drilling out a rivet

The simplest and safest way, from a mechanical point of view, is drilling with a drill.
Three ways to remove a rivet

Take a screwdriver or drill. Install a drill of the required diameter. And we drill through the rivet.
Three ways to remove a rivet

We go right through.
Three ways to remove a rivet

This method will not damage the metals being joined if the drill is selected correctly. Although it is quite specific and will not suit you if your rivets have a semi-circular head.

Cutting with a grinder

This is the fastest and at the same time the most traumatic way to remove rivets. Therefore, if you are not confident in using a tool such as an angle grinder (grinder), I sincerely do not recommend using it.
Three ways to remove a rivet

We will need:
  • Bulgarian.
  • Screwdriver.

Using an angle grinder, we cut off the heads from all installed rivets.
Three ways to remove a rivet

And use a screwdriver to knock them out.
Three ways to remove a rivet

Three ways to remove a rivet

That's the whole trick.
Three ways to remove a rivet

This method simply damages the surface of the product and breaks the disk itself, since the cutting occurs at an angle. And one wrong move can ruin everything. Be sure to use protective equipment.

Cut off the rivet head with a chisel or screwdriver

Now the method is what is called classic. It is used by the majority of both professionals and beginners. It does not require special equipment, electricity, or training. The most affordable and at the same time the slowest way to cut rivets.
You will need:
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver or chisels. It all depends on the diameter of the rivet.

Three ways to remove a rivet

If the size is small, take a screwdriver, place it at an angle and cut off the cap with hammer blows.
Three ways to remove a rivet

Next we knock it out with the same screwdriver.
Three ways to remove a rivet

If the rivet is large, then it is better to use a chisel. We use it in the same way as a screwdriver.
Three ways to remove a rivet

We also knock it out with a screwdriver.
Three ways to remove a rivet

This method can be used when there are few rivets: one, two or three. Or when there is none of the above equipment in the first two methods.
If there are a lot of rivet joints, it is certainly better to use a more mechanized removal method.
Be careful when working with metals. Also share your suggestions in the comments, everyone will be interested.

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Which method is preferable for you?

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Comments (6)
  1. Guest Alexander
    #1 Guest Alexander Guests 10 September 2018 20:05
    In an old book, a manual for mechanics, it is clearly written: “Each tool must serve its own purpose.” Those. with a screwdriver - unscrew it, with a chisel - cut it down, knock it out with a drift. Otherwise, you’ll waste your tools and you won’t get the job done efficiently. And not in vain...
  2. Zheka
    #2 Zheka Guests 10 September 2018 20:55
    Method 1 is not correct... I simply take a drill bit 3-4 mm larger than the diameter of the rivet and drill out the rivet head with it. Then I knock out the rest with a core.
  3. Guest Sergey
    #3 Guest Sergey Guests 10 September 2018 21:44
    very informative article.....
  4. Clmars Trepang
    #4 Clmars Trepang Guests September 26, 2018 10:49
    It was I who lived in darkness. I received my sight! Author! Where can I find you? I will fall at your feet! You are my guru!
  5. Rome
    #5 Rome Guests 30 September 2018 16:51
    Worker in school, not allowed into production
  6. Guest Alexander
    #6 Guest Alexander Guests December 14, 2021 12:23
    Ordinary rivets are not removed this way at all. It is necessary to drill the embedded head to the thickness of this very head. Then, using a punch and a hammer, knock out the rivet. If you do everything correctly and drill clearly in the center of the rivet, the rivet will easily fly out in 2-3 blows. Do it with two people so as not to damage the package.