DIY berry harvester

At the end of August it will be time to harvest lingonberries. Both berry lovers and collectors for sale will come to the forests. In order not to stay in the taiga longer than necessary and not to feed mosquitoes, a berry harvester will help you. Making one yourself, with your own hands, will not be difficult. And again, there is no saving at all - in the store a similar combine is not cheap. In order not to rush around looking for the right thing when you need it, I suggest preparing it in advance. Let it lie - it’s better to have and not need than to need and not have! It will take a little time to make this tool.

Will need

  • Cink Steel.
  • Marker.
  • Flux and tin for soldering.
  • Steel wire, two millimeters in cross-section (bicycle spokes can be used).
  • Aluminum wire, with a cross-section of five millimeters, for rivets.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Hammer.
  • Thick fabric.
  • Aluminum tube (from a ski pole).

Making a berry harvester

To begin with, we cut two strips from the galvanization: three by fifteen cm. We bend them in turn exactly in half, lengthwise along the entire length. From each end, on one side, cut off two cm of one of the layers.

Next, on the folds of both strips, in increments of no more than five mm. We make notches for the knitting needles using an emery wheel.

Now we cut two strips five by eighteen cm - these will be the end walls.

We drill holes at the ends of the bent blanks, then, placing them against the wide end strips, make marks with a marker and drill holes on the wide strips.

Now we rivet the blanks.

We insert the knitting needles into the cut notches and, having previously treated them with soldering flux, solder the knitting needles first to one strip, then to the other, so that they do not dangle in the future.

Soldering the whole thing turned out to be a piece of cake, I didn’t even need a soldering iron - I simply heated this structure with a torch and, holding it with pliers, simply applied solder to the soldering points: the tin itself flowed into all the cavities. Now let's start making the holder. It is necessary to cut two narrow, one cm strips, fifteen cm long. However, I was too lazy to cut, and used old skewers of suitable width.

You will also need a piece of aluminum tube, eighteen cm long.

We flatten the ends of the tube and make holes in them.

Next, we take two narrow centimeter strips and drill holes in them one by one, at the ends and in the middle. We bend the ends with holes two cm to one side.

We rivet these curved strips to the ends of the tube. You will get a holder like this.

Now, using a chisel and a hammer, we align the teeth-spokes to the same length - five cm and drill holes in the upper four corners of the end walls. Now we lift the end walls by bending them inward and rivet the holder to these holes. This is what should happen.

Now we bend the teeth of the knitting needles up and fasten, using a rope or wire, some kind of bag into which the berries will roll. Instead of a bag, you can use a trouser leg from old jeans, and adjust its length by folding and pinning.

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