How to drill a bearing

How to drill a bearing

Hi all! I decided to show a test of a carbide drill, which can be purchased for about $1. It is popularly known as a “feather” (feather drill) and was originally intended for drilling tiles and tiles. In practice, it is already known that such a drill does an excellent job with stone, concrete, and glass.

You can buy it on Ali for half a buck or even cheaper - Ali Express.

How to drill a bearing

It also works well on high-alloy steel. For example, drilling a file 5-8 millimeters thick with such a drill is not a problem.
I decided to give the task a more difficult task: drill a hole in the ball from the bearing, with a diameter of 35 millimeters.

Drilling the ball from the bearing

Securely fasten the bearing ball in the cleats of the drilling machine. We fix the feather drill into the chuck.
How to drill a bearing

First, we start drilling without lubrication. The drill moves a little from side to side. There is no need to press too hard.
How to drill a bearing

After the drilling point is filled, add oil and continue drilling. Now you can slightly increase the pressure. In general, you need to do everything carefully and slowly.
How to drill a bearing

Periodically raise the svetlo and add oil to the hole.
How to drill a bearing

We continue to drill the bearing.
How to drill a bearing

We had almost reached the end and shavings began to fall from below. A little more and the drill will go right through.
How to drill a bearing

The result is a through hole in the ball.
How to drill a bearing

How to drill a bearing

How to drill a bearing

This is a simple technology for drilling carbide, hardened steel or even tool steel.
How to drill a bearing

Of course, such questions do not often arise in life, but cases do happen.
Especially if you need to drill into concrete with reinforcement inside, then I recommend doing it with just such a drill. Since it will drill well into both concrete and reinforcement inside it.
The price is quite reasonable, at least in China. Sometimes they criticize domestic analogues, but personally, I always try to take a foreign instrument, since life experience shows that this is exactly what needs to be done.
See you friends!

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Comments (4)
  1. Egor
    #1 Egor Guests 11 June 2018 19:06
    This is a simple technology for drilling carbide, hardened steel or even tool steel.

    You are misleading. The correct answer would be “hardened steel, tool steel or even hard alloy!”
    1. Guest Alexey
      #2 Guest Alexey Guests 14 June 2018 16:31
      I agree with everything except the hard alloy. There is no way to “feather” him, because... the plate in it is made of that same hard alloy...
    2. Basil
      #3 Basil Guests 14 April 2019 04:53
      It is you who are misleading. Everything is indicated correctly, a quick cutter (aka hss) is a tool steel (after all, you probably meant it), in the usual version (cutters, drills, taps) hardened. We’ll also add U8, HVG, etc. here.
      And the hard alloy is tungsten carbide, you can’t drill it with such garbage (hardness is slightly lower than diamond), processing is only possible with abrasive (diamond, as a rule), erosion and superhard materials such as cubic boron nitride (with a creak) or diamond. Hard alloys (at least some alloys) can be used to process hardened tool steels.
  2. Guest Nikolay
    #4 Guest Nikolay Guests 1 July 2018 20:57
    I won't believe it until I check it myself, it's a hoax