Folding wooden ladder

A folding aluminum ladder in a hardware store in my city is not cheap. That’s why I decided to take this master class to make a wooden staircase that would be just as good as a store-bought one, and maybe even better. Either way, it's not as difficult as it may seem, and the money saved is worth it.
Folding wooden ladder


I needed spruce boards: four 18x150 mm in size for the frame and two 44x94 mm in size for the steps.
The staircase is A-shaped, with 5 steps on each side.
Folding wooden ladder

Making a folding ladder

We adjust four boards to the same length.
Folding wooden ladder

The base consists of four boards: two on one side, two on the other. The distance to which the legs of the ladder will move apart can be determined experimentally. After this, you need to use a construction protractor to draw out the corners and saw them off at the top and bottom of the boards. This is necessary so that the legs and upper platform of the open staircase are parallel to the ground.
Folding wooden ladder

Folding wooden ladder

After the staircase frame is ready, it comes to the steps. I cut them from a thick board.
Folding wooden ladder

Folding wooden ladder

The angle of attachment is the same as at the base. I fasten everything with self-tapping screws and pre-drill a hole for each one so that the wood does not crack.
Folding wooden ladder

Folding wooden ladder

Folding wooden ladder

Folding wooden ladder

Everything was previously marked for steps on each board.
Once both sides of the ladder are assembled, you need to connect them together. They are fastened with two loops.
Folding wooden ladder

To prevent the legs from moving apart when using the stairs, we make limiters from a metal chain.
Folding wooden ladder

Everything will be ready in a year, we will test our stairs on a flat surface. If necessary, the product can be painted or varnished.
This item will be indispensable in any home. The sizes can be absolutely any to your taste. The most important thing is that the design is very stable and relatively lightweight.
Folding wooden ladder

Also, for longer use, it would not be superfluous to cover the legs of the stairs with metal. This will save them from splitting and getting wet if something happens.
See you again!
Folding wooden ladder

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Comments (3)
  1. gerii
    #1 gerii Guests 14 May 2018 13:08
    Actually a little bulky. The most important thing is that the lower cuts should be made not parallel, but oppositely, in order to avoid sliding or at least reduce it on the surface.
    1. Roller
      #2 Roller Guests 14 May 2018 13:22
      It depends on what you put it on.
  2. Guest Igor
    #3 Guest Igor Guests 18 September 2018 19:01
    Ravings of a madman.A folding aluminum ladder of this size costs a maximum of 1,500 rubles. Buying boards and processing them will cost much more. Plus it takes time to make it and tools. And it will be 5-6 times heavier.
    The game is not worth the candle.