How to make a twisted wire from a straight one

How annoying I am are the charger wires that always get tangled. As soon as you charge the phone and put the wire in the nightstand, the next time the surprise is ready - the wire is tangled.
I will show you how to avoid this and make a twisted wire from an ordinary straight wire, similar to the wire of old telephone sets.
This will be very convenient, because the wire itself will lengthen as it is pulled and will itself fold into a kind of curl.
How to make a twisted wire from a straight one

In this way, you can convert not only wires from chargers, but also any others, be it cables from a computer or something else.

What do we need?

necessary materials

All we need:
  • - Straight cable or wire from the charger.
  • - A thick pin or other steel tube, without thread.
  • - Cable ties - you can use threads to secure them.

Boil the water

boil water

We take a very ordinary saucepan and pour ordinary water into it. The only thing is that the pan must be of such a size that our hairpin fits into it and is completely immersed in water. Then put the pan on the stove. In the meantime, the water comes to a boil, let's do a few simple steps.

Preparing to wind the wire

How to make a twisted wire from a straight one

Using nylon ties, secure the end of the wire to the beginning of the stud. See how it was done in the photo.


How to make a twisted cable from a straight one

Next, wrap the cable tightly around the pin and secure the other end with a second nylon tie. You shouldn't pull the wire too hard, but the load is still needed.

Let's cut off the unnecessary

How to make a twisted wire from a straight one

Excess pieces of the screed can be cut off with wire cutters so that they do not get in the way. But you don’t have to do this, then it might be more convenient to get this structure out of boiling water.

Heat treatment of wire

How to make a twisted cable from a straight one

We lower our winding into boiling water. Don't worry about the connectors, nothing will happen to them. But keep in mind: you do all manipulations at your own peril and risk.
We wait about one minute. During this time, the water should boil and bubble. After some time, we pull out this thing.
I tried to do this heat treatment with a hair dryer. But I almost didn’t succeed. The wires eventually melted, but did not hold the shape of the twist. In the end, I realized that boiling is just that. This process is easy to control and the likelihood of a defect is very small. So this is definitely my way.

The finished result

How to make a twisted wire from a straight one

After boiling, take out the twist. Let it cool down a little. We bite off the ties, release the cable and pull out the pin. Let the new curly wire dry. Next, we check his work and enjoy the unusual craft. Now you definitely won’t get confused.
Original article in English
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Comments (8)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests 13 February 2018 17:33
    All these developments are very simple and very smart and instructive.
  2. feelloff
    #2 feelloff Guests 14 February 2018 07:26
    How to do this using
  3. feelloff
    #3 feelloff Guests 14 February 2018 07:27
    Here's how they do it in production:
  4. Simple
    #4 Simple Guests 14 February 2018 18:53
    It's easier to warm it up with a hairdryer
  5. Victor
    #5 Victor Guests 15 February 2018 20:57
    But how to make a straight line out of a twisted one?
    1. Guest Anatoly
      #6 Guest Anatoly Guests 11 March 2018 13:11
      In reverse order and in cold water
  6. Guest Igor
    #7 Guest Igor Guests 30 June 2018 14:09
    Yes. There's nothing to say. In England, do they have gold-plated contacts in Chinese chargers? I highly doubt it.
    After immersion in water, the charger can be safely unwound over your head with all your might and released from your hands. You won't need it anymore.
  7. Guest Evgeniy
    #8 Guest Evgeniy Guests 6 August 2018 13:33
    Actually, it doesn't last long and straightens out quickly. You yourself tried it many many times or only once on camera.