Pink gerbera from foamiran

Gerbera - a flower that can activate the energy of love, attract positivity and luck into life. And a lonely girl, if she puts a pot of pink gerberas at the head of her bed, will be able to find her soul mate. In this master class we suggest making this magical flower from pink foamiran.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Materials and tools:
  • - foamiran pink, brown, green;
  • - scissors;
  • - wooden stick or toothpick;
  • - gerbera petal template;
  • - gerbera wire;
  • - tape;
  • - mold, e.g. poppy;
  • - glue Moment second;
  • - glue gun;
  • - oil pastels of yellow, red, carmine, green;
  • - acrylic yellow paint;
  • - iron.


We cut out a strip of 1x20 cm from brown foamiran and turn it into a fringe.
From pink foamiran we cut out one strip of 1.3x15 cm, cut the fringe like the brown one. We cut the second pink strip a little wider and longer - 1.5x18 cm, and cut it into teeth. Don’t be afraid to make the strips longer; you can always cut off the excess. But if it’s not enough, then you’ll have to cut out the missing length.
On thick cardboard we draw a petal 1.5 cm wide and 5 cm long. Cut it out. We apply this cardboard petal to the foamiran and circle it around by lightly pressing the toothpick. The number of petals should be approximately 41–50 pieces. Then we cut out small petals, the width of which is not important, and the height varies from 1.7 to 2 cm. At the tips of all petals, regardless of size, we cut off a corner so that we get a small tooth.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We paint the ends of the pink fringe with yellow pastel (on both sides). Using red pastel, in separate sections, we tint a pink stripe of teeth (on both sides), the edges of small petals, and on large petals we draw one or two rays emanating from the base (on one side).
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Cut the required length of wire.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We wrap it with tape.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Using instant glue, we fix the beginning of the brown strip to the wire and begin twisting, not forgetting to lubricate it with glue.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Place the brown center on the heated iron. Then we lean it sideways so that the cut ends bend away from the center.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We process thin strips simply by applying it to the iron for 2-3 seconds. After heating, the strip from the clove can be rubbed between your fingers. Heat the small petals and rub them between your fingers. Large petals are shaped using a mold. First, heat the petal, apply it to the mold, and press it with your fingers. Stripes are imprinted on the petals, which replace the veins of living flowers. If you don’t have a suitable mold, you can draw veins with a toothpick by running it over the heated petal.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We glue the strip, which was tinted with yellow pastel. It's enough for two rows.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We continue to form the fluffy center with the next strip of cloves.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We glue the babies - small petals.We tint the brown center with yellow pastels.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Pink gerbera from foamiran

Glue the next 10 petals between the petals of the first row. We glue the remaining petals at our discretion, filling the free gaps.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

The splendor of the gerbera will depend on the number of petals.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

To make the center juicier and imitate pollen, paint the brown tips with yellow acrylic paint. We enhance the yellowness of the petals, which are located after the brown center.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

We cut out three sizes of sepals from green fom.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Heat it on the iron, fold it and rub it between your fingers.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Fill the base of the gerbera with liquid glue.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Glue the largest part of the sepal.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Next we add a smaller part. Use green pastel to shade the petals on the underside of the flower.
Using carmine-colored pastels we tint the petals around the brown center.
Pink gerbera from foamiran

Pink gerbera from foamiran

Pink gerbera from foamiran

Pink gerbera from foamiran
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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