Panel “Fire Feather”

Have you ever tried to make a decorative feather? But this is no less an interesting idea, especially for those who like to try something new, but also not too labor-intensive. And if you develop your imagination further, then with such elements you can create interesting panels and compositions with flowers together. Now who has enough ideas for something?
At first glance, making such a feather is not difficult, but the larger it is in size, the more labor-intensive the process will become. So we must be patient, and the desire to see our further results as soon as possible will help.
We take multi-colored threads (I use floss), wooden sticks (they are both long and short, or you can use wire), PVA glue (you can also use gelatin or starch), and cardboard for winding threads.
Fire Feather

Fire Feather

Now we need to decide on the sizes:
Regardless of the size of the stick, the threads should be 2/3 in length. That is, we divide the length of the stick into 3 equal parts and 2 of them are the length of the thread.
Fire Feather

Fire Feather

And to make it faster and more convenient, take a cardboard for winding threads on it.

Now let's look at the sizes I have:
  • Stick - 30 cm,
  • Threads - 20 cm,
  • The length of the cardboard is 10 cm, the width is not so important.

Further actions:
1. We wind the threads on the cardboard for about 20-30 turns. Then cut in half and level. And we do this with all the colored threads. And when all the piles are ready, you can start using them.
Fire Feather

Fire Feather

Fire Feather

2. Take a stick and move 1/3 away from the bottom (the bottom has a thick end, the top is pointed), and from there we begin tying the threads with a single knot. If you feel comfortable working with a stick lying down, then do so. For example, I didn’t like tying knots like that, so I found a way out of the situation in which I took a heavier jar (with pebbles), made a hole in the lid for a stick, and thus it took on the appearance of standing up, in which tying threads became much more difficult more convenient and faster.
Fire Feather

Fire Feather

Fire Feather

3. And thus, thread by thread, color by color, we get to the very top. Leave the sharp tip empty a little, otherwise the threads may come off during further processing. Now we need a convenient container and glue. We will bathe our feather in it. My glue is thick, so I diluted it a little with water, just a little, otherwise it will remain on the surface and will not reach the inside of the thread.
Fire Feather

Fire Feather

4. You need to carefully soak all the threads evenly, even if it soaks a little. While everything is soaking, let’s lay out any cellophane on the table. We will place a slightly squeezed feather on it.
Fire Feather

5. We take a similar stick and begin to gradually level and shape the threads. You should start from the top, and the upper threads should be picked up in the middle, connecting the two sides. And continue to give upward direction to all threads.
Fire Feather

6. After all the threads are combed, you need to lightly smooth them with the same stick. This way they will flatten out and lie more beautifully.And now in this form you can leave the pen to dry until it is completely dry. In a warm place this process will go faster. By the way, don’t worry, it won’t stick to the cellophane. I have a thick large garbage bag, it is dense and does not take PVA, so it is very convenient.
And I would like to add that when the feather is ready, you have the opportunity to give it a hairstyle; personally, I like the edges in such a natural form, but you can trim them and make them more even.
Fire Feather

I think if you add such feathers to any composition, for example from flowers with your own hands, then it will look even more original and unusual. And if you play with colors, or add glitter (Lurix for example), or paint it with shiny acrylic, then it can become a true decoration. The most important thing is not to be afraid to experiment!
Fire Feather
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Comments (1)
  1. Iogo
    #1 Iogo Guests 10 August 2017 19:44
    I like natural motifs, but I do not use feathers or down from real birds in the interior. Making feathers from threads is not only a fun activity, but also a worthy alternative to bird feathers. In addition, you can experiment with might and main with the palette and sizes.