Bird made of threads

Try to make a beautiful bird out of threads. The craft turns out interesting, the manufacturing process is fascinating. You can even involve children of primary school age in the work.
Prepare the following materials:
- threads of different shades;
- scissors;
- black beads;
- wire;
- PVA glue;
- paper.
bird made of threads

The color of the thread depends on what kind of bird you want to make. Therefore, before making, carefully consider the natural image of the object and select the appropriate shades of yarn. The thicker the thread, the more voluminous the bird will be. For example, for a finch you need to use gray, brown, red and black yarn. Connect the brown and red threads and make 35 turns around the wide part of the palm.
bird made of threads

For this, you can also use cardboard rectangles of the length you need. Cut the threads on one side. You will get a long piece.
bird made of threads

Make the same gray one.
bird made of threads

And black.
bird made of threads

Place the gray threads on top of the brown ones. It turns out to be a plus.
bird made of threads

Gather all the brown threads into a bunch (gray inside) and tie with thread.
bird made of threads

Gather the gray threads into a bundle so that it is located at right angles to the first.
bird made of threads

Immediately tie the black threads in the middle.
bird made of threads

Place between gray and brown blanks.
bird made of threads

Form a tight ball from a piece of paper (magazine page).
bird made of threads

And put it inside the black skein. Gather all the ends of the threads so as to hide the paper ball and secure with black thread.
bird made of threads

Glue black beads on the sides with PVA glue - these are eyes.
bird made of threads

Twist two legs and a beak from wire.
bird made of threads

It turns out to be such an interesting finch.
bird made of threads

You can make different birds from colored yarn. This way, your baby will gradually learn the names of all the birds and will be able to recognize them in their natural environment during a walk.
When you have gathered a lot of fauna representatives, you can make a collage or composition on the theme: “Such different birds.”
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