Braided bracelet “Double Shambhala”

Most girls and women bring some new styles and colors of clothing into fashion every summer and spring. These are the times of year that are especially considered bright, fashionable and colorful. The clothes are light, beautiful, bright, so the girls become, as they say, even more interesting and they have even more fans. But, you must admit that no outfit looks so rich and bright if it is not complemented by a beautiful bracelet, brooch or necklace. With each season, more and more new ideas are added to costume jewelry, so it is simply impossible to keep track of the rapid change; they are basically similar, only improving among themselves. For example, the fairly common Shambhala bracelets literally filled the market and became very popular among young people. They are completely different, they are made from beads of different materials, and the cords also have different textures. The most important thing about these bracelets is that they are also considered amulets, since the history of their origin dates back to shamans from Tibet. These bracelets do not get old, but on the contrary, even more different additions and improvements appear, and their demand increases even more.Anyone who has imagination can safely, using this master class, learn another method of double shamballa with multi-colored beads. And choose the color scheme, size and value of the stones yourself.
So, for double Shambhala we take:
• Dark blue waxed cord, approximately three meters;
• Crystal shiny beads in blue tones (dark blue, blue, light blue and emerald), a total of 30 pieces with a diameter of 8 mm and 4 pieces with a diameter of 4 mm;
• Lighter;
• PVA glue;
• Scissors;
• Hair clips.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

The double shamballa method is approximately similar to regular shamballa. They start out the same. Therefore, whoever has learned the lessons of weaving a simple shamballa bracelet will learn this weaving method faster. We cut two pieces of cord of 35 cm each and one piece of about a meter. We connect two 35 cm sections together and clamp them with a clamp, it will be more convenient to work. These will be two central base cords.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We step back from the edge of our bundle somewhere around 8 cm and tie the long cord in half in half with one knot from below, just tighten it tightly. We place the left edge as a ring on the bottom of the pair of cords, and the right edge as a ring on top.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We thread the ends of the cords into loops, as in the photo, and tighten them. Now we do the opposite. We start with the right ring, from the bottom, then the left one from above. Tighten and get a double shamballa knot.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We make 4-5 such nodes. It all depends on the diameter of the hand.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Lay out the beads. There are only four colors.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We string 15 beads onto the central cords, alternating them to your liking. From below, we also connect the central cords under the beads and tie them with temporary thread so that the beads do not fall down.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We take the left side cord and begin to wrap each bead in a spiral, going down. Press the bottom edge of the cord with a clamp.Now we take the right side cord and also wrap each bead in a downward spiral, only in the opposite direction. We tie a knot underneath the beads as on top.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We weave 4-5 double knots. We tie the last tightly and cut off the ends, spread PVA on the cut areas. Let's get to the castle. Cut the cord 30 cm long.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We fold the bracelet blank into a ring, forming a bracelet according to the size of the hand, making a conditional place for a lock up to 3-3.5 cm long. We fasten sections of the bracelet on both sides with clamps.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

We tie a knot and weave a lock of double knots, there are about 7-8 knots for a length of 3-3.5 cm. We also tighten the edges, cut them off and burn them, or spread them with PVA.
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Now we have the ends of the lock left, there will be 2 of them on both sides. Therefore, we string 4 small blue beads on them, tie knots and fire them. We get this stylish bracelet in blue tones. A great summer option that will go with your suit or summer sundress. Thank you! Get creative and enjoy the process!
Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala

Braided bracelet Double Shambhala
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