Orange peel liqueur

When you really want to treat yourself to something tasty and relaxing, for example a hint of a refreshing alcoholic cocktail, the price is not a reason to deny yourself this joy. The recipe for orange liqueur that I want to present is not only delightfully simple, but its taste and beauty will not leave anyone indifferent!
All you need to prepare is water, granulated sugar, orange peels, vodka and a little cloves. So, let's go!

Orange peel liqueur

To cook the syrup, pour 360 g of granulated sugar with a glass of water, bring everything to a boil and keep on fire for another 5 minutes. After 5 min. The syrup is ready, turn it off! Separately, cut or grind 140 g of orange peels into a saucepan, pour 0.5 liters of vodka over the peels and add 4 pcs. carnations. All this must be simmered for 8 minutes on fire, stirring constantly! Remember, under no circumstances should alcohol be brought to a boil; the temperature should be kept at 70° C. After 8 minutes. Pour our syrup into the orange peels with vodka. All this must be stirred and kept on fire for another half a minute. At this point the liqueur is ready! All that remains is to present it beautifully.

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

Orange peel liqueur

The first step is to strain through cheesecloth and remove the peel from the drink. The second is to cool, for which you pour all the alcohol into a liter jar and put it in the refrigerator to settle for 2-3 hours. After the allotted time, you will see that the drink has brightened - this is what we needed! Finally, we find a beautiful airtight container, pour our orange liqueur into it and enjoy its aromatic and invigorating fruity taste. By the way, orange peel liqueur can be stored at room temperature. Unless, of course, you are willing to wait that long.

Orange peel liqueur
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Comments (2)
  1. Ariella
    #1 Ariella Guests 8 August 2015 18:36
    And 140 grams of peels is how many oranges to use?
  2. Natalia
    #2 Natalia Guests 10 December 2019 20:29
    I cook the same, only 2-3 oranges