Wedding bottle-bride

Today, newlyweds very often prefer to decorate the festive table with decorated bottles. Let's try to make a bride bottle together.

Wedding bottle-bride

For work we will need:
- a bottle of champagne
- white bias tape 6-7 meters
- white satin ribbon 5 cm wide
- scissors
- glue
- needle
- thread
- beads and artificial pearls
- ribbon rose
- narrow ribbon in rose color
- any plastic bottle
- rhinestones

Wedding bottle-bride

We clean the bottle from the label. To do this, it is advisable to place it in a bucket of cold water and leave it overnight. If the champagne is of high quality, the label will come off without any problems in the morning. If you decide to remove the label under running water, do not use warm water. So, the bottle is cleaned, you can start!
We'll start by gradually covering the bottle with pieces of white bias tape. Let's start working from the neck. We measure out a piece sufficient to fit around the neck and glue it to the bottle. I use Moment glue, you can use a silicone gun if that's more convenient for you.

Wedding bottle-bride

We repeat this procedure. We measure, cut and glue.

Wedding bottle-bride

The bottom layer should slightly overlap the top layer.At this stage the glue is visible, but when it is completely dry it will not be visible.
The bottom of the bottle will be hidden under the skirt, i.e. it won't be visible. But I still decided to cover it with white wide tape so that the green bottom of the bottle wouldn’t show through from under the skirt.

Wedding bottle-bride

And now you can finish the work with the bias tape by sealing the bottle to the white tape.

Wedding bottle-bride

You can see in the photo that I made the last rows of bias tape slightly shortened. This will not be visible in finished form. At this stage, the main thing is to make a beautiful back for our bride.

Wedding bottle-bride

Let's move on to the skirt. We take a white ribbon 5 cm wide and begin to string it onto a thread, forming soft waves.

Wedding bottle-bride

Having obtained the required length of the tape, cut it, connect the edges and glue it to the bottle. This will be the bottom layer of our skirt.

Wedding bottle-bride

We do the same for the second layer. Glue the second layer a few centimeters higher than the first.

Wedding bottle-bride

Glue the third and last layer of the skirt in the same way. I think this will be enough. You can add as many layers as you like. In order to hide the not very beautiful top of the tape gathered on a thread, we glue one layer of bias tape on top of the seam, so the product will look neater.

Wedding bottle-bride

We glue a contrasting narrow ribbon on top of the bias tape.

Wedding bottle-bride

On the front side we will make a loop from a ribbon of the same contrasting color and glue it to our dress, as shown in the photo.

Wedding bottle-bride

To give it a more finished look, glue on a white rose. This is how we decorated the dress.

Wedding bottle-bride

Let's continue decor. To imitate buttons, I glue rhinestones at the junction of the layers of bias tape.

Wedding bottle-bride

Well, that's it, the bride has been dressed, now she needs to be decorated with jewelry. To do this, we will make beads for her. I strung artificial pearls on a thread and alternated them with silver beads.

Wedding bottle-bride

I tied it directly on the bottle, carefully cutting the ends of the thread.Let's start decorating the head. We will have a wide-brimmed hat on our head. To begin, we cover the neck of the bottle with short pieces of white bias tape. This will be the tip of our hat.

Wedding bottle-bride

To hide the unevenness, glue one layer of bias tape to the neck, as shown in the photo.

Wedding bottle-bride

Now we cut out the brim of the hat from any plastic bottle. The inner circle is equal to the diameter of the bottle neck + 2 or 3 mm. And the outer circle will depend on how wide the brim of the hat is. My margins are about 1.5 cm.

Wedding bottle-bride

Wrap it with bias tape and secure it with glue on the inside.

Wedding bottle-bride

Now that the fields are ready, we put them (literally) on the bottle.

Wedding bottle-bride

Decorate the hat with a narrow ribbon in a contrasting color.

Wedding bottle-bride

Glue a rosette of the same color from ribbons.

Wedding bottle-bride

Our bride is ready!

Wedding bottle-bride
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