Unusual soap

Unusual DIY soap

Handmade soap has long been part of the habitual purchases of modern people. It is known that soap made from high-quality ingredients does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which is harmful to the body, is rich in valuable oils and does not dry out the skin. But few people know that the process of home soap making is not only extremely simple and accessible even to a schoolchild, but also extremely exciting!
With the help of this master class, we will try to make an interesting soap in the form of a cupcake with the aroma of chocolate cookies.
You will need:
1. 150 gr. ready-made soap base;
2. 1 tsp. base oil;
3. food coloring;
4. cosmetic fragrances;
5. silicone molds for soap or baking;
First, cut the soap base into cubes and place in a fireproof container.

cut the soap base

Then we melt it in a water bath until liquid, no need to boil. You can also melt the soap base in the microwave. When the desired consistency is achieved, pour the base into a mug, glass or other convenient container.

melt in a water bath

First of all, add a teaspoon of base oil to the base. Our tutorial uses coconut oil. It will make our soap softer.

add oil base

Then add brown food coloring drop by drop until the desired shade is obtained.It is important to use only safe ingredients, because we want to get natural, healthy soap.

food coloring

Then add fragrance or food flavoring.

add fragrance or food flavoring

Finally, we pour the future soap into the mold.

pour the future soap into the mold

A novice soap maker is rarely able to accurately calculate the amount of base for a particular form. Therefore, it is often a little more than necessary. Keep small ramekins handy to fill with leftover base if necessary.

pour the future soap into the mold

In our case, you can add oatmeal crumbs to the remaining soap base for a light peeling effect.

pour the future soap into the mold

If bubbles form on the surface, they can be easily removed with alcohol or perfume.

oat crumbs

Soap molds come in plastic and silicone. Silicone molds have a clear advantage. The main advantages of such forms:
Withstands high temperatures and does not deform;
The finished soap is easy to remove. When using plastic, you can often ruin the mold by pouring too hot base into it. It happens that the finished soap does not want to be removed from the mold. Such things can baffle a newbie in this business. But experienced soap makers have learned to avoid unpleasant situations of this kind, and successfully use forms of both types. So, the soap base in the mold froze for 1 hour. To speed up the hardening process, you can place the molds in the refrigerator. Now, with a deft movement of our hands, we extract the soap by simply turning out the mold. We do the same with a small toffee-shaped mold.

remove with alcohol or perfume

Thus, having spent 1 hour of time and very little financial resources, we got two pieces of wonderful homemade soap. And if you pack it beautifully in a box or bag, it will turn out to be a wonderful spiritual present for any occasion.

Unusual DIY soap
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Comments (1)
  1. OlgaZakhar
    #1 OlgaZakhar Guests August 6, 2017 09:16
    How gorgeous it is! I would buy this, it looks like real chocolate pudding and those sweets from childhood... Beautiful. And looking at the ingredients, it’s so nice to know what the soap is made of, I can just smell it mmmm”! Thanks for the virtual spa)