Treasures of the deep sea

Required material and equipment:
  • frame
  • thick cardboard or fiberboard (or thin plywood) for the base
  • printed color antique map (physical or pirate)
  • natural material (shells, stones, sea pebbles, sea sand, shell rock)
  • decorative material (colored glass, beads, chains, etc.)
  • figurines on a marine theme (a jewelry chest, a boat, sea creatures, seaweed, a barrel, an anchor, an antique compass, a steering wheel, a fishing net, etc.)
  • glue (“Titanium”, “PVA”)
  • spray paint,
  • nail polish or bitumen
  • glossy varnish spray
  • Polish for hair
  • zero sandpaper
  • bitumen


1. Prepare the frame, if necessary - paint it with gold spray paint, distress it by rubbing it with fine-grade sandpaper, apply bitumen in places and smear it properly. I found a suitable old frame and did not modify it. Prepare the base: cut out a sheet of suitable size from thick cardboard (or fiberboard) and insert it into the frame.
2. Glue the card to the center of the base with PVA glue. Print the card in advance; if desired, it can be aged by rubbing it with fine-grade sandpaper, soaking it in a weak solution of coffee and letting it dry. You can burn the edges a little over the candle.You can choose an antique, pirated or physical card - as you wish. The size of the card may be smaller than the frame, because we will decorate the edges around the card.

Prepare the frame

3. Next we glue the large figures. I used the following: a barrel, a sailboat, a treasure chest, a starfish, seaweed - anything that can be found on the seabed. You can prepare a treasure chest in advance, or you can purchase a ready-made chest in a store. If you are not satisfied with the color, then paint the chest with gold-colored spray paint; I painted it with dark gold-colored nail polish. Inside we glue colored pebbles, beads, chains, coins, colored glass, in general, anything that might look like treasure. We use Titan glue. Next, we glue large stones, shells, and decorative glass onto the base, creating the seabed. Some figures can be glued to the frame.

glue large figures

cover with small pebbles

4. Gradually fill the remaining space with PVA glue and cover it with small pebbles, shell rock, sea sand, the color of which should be as natural as possible. Create an uneven edge of sand around the card. The glue should be applied to small areas, it will be more convenient. PVA glue should be quite thick so that it does not spread. The layer of poured material (sand) should be thick enough so that the maximum amount sticks. After the glue has dried, you need to shake off any unadhered particles onto the newspaper, and after spraying with hairspray, quickly sprinkle more sand on the “bald patches.” Let dry, shake off any remaining residue.

stuck particles

5. After everything is completely dry and you are satisfied with the result, the work can be varnished. For this purpose, spray varnish is very convenient to use; it is better to choose a glossy one.Let it dry. The picture is ready, you can hang it on the wall.

Treasures of the deep sea
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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