Paintings made from straw - "Sailing trip"

Sea travel that evokes a storm of emotions in your soul is a boundless dream. Sailboats have been associated with their amazing freedom and extraordinary romance since ancient times. Having appeared in the era of ancient civilizations, these majestic, beautiful ships, as before, with a unique ability, use only a sail and the power of the wind for their movement. A sea voyage on a sailboat sailing brilliantly under full sail will help turn your dream into reality today...

straw paintings

After all, our team today offers not just a trip, not just learning the art of sailing from experienced sailors, but creating a sailboat of indescribable beauty, radiating with every detail the master’s love for his craft. And as you dare to guess, without exaggeration, we will create a picture of a magnificent frigate! And our amazing material for this is simply, usually, straw stems. Do you want to plunge into real sea life by becoming a voluntary member of its crew? Do you want to play the role of a helmsman on a scheduled watch at the helm? Do you want sea knots, climbing the mast and sailing rushes? This means that the role of a wonderful shipbuilder is yours. And that means full speed ahead!

Stage 1 – preparation.

For our work, rye, barley or oat straws are best suited for our work. First, it is necessary to select a high-quality middle part of the collected straw stems. To do this, the cut ears are cleared of the outer leaves, cutting off the corresponding nodes. The result is ordinary straw tubes of various lengths. Next, the tubes we have selected are placed in a container of water and boiled for half an hour to acquire special strength, softness, flexibility and elasticity. Then, carefully, most conveniently with an ordinary knife, the tubes must be cut along the stem, along their entire length and ironed on both sides. The result of the work done is the straw ribbons we need.

straw straws

Stage 2 – manufacturing of parts.

We have a complete sailor set at our disposal: scissors, tweezers, a pen or pencil, PVA-K glue, and a base for gluing (background). The background for our work will be dark purple velvet fabric, carefully glued along the perimeter of a dense base (cardboard).

The most interesting:
- We create a sketch of our frigate, number all its individual components and carefully cut them out, clearly along the contour lines.
- Lubricate each cut-out paper part of the sketch with glue (the front side) and glue our straw ribbons tightly to each other, being sure to select the correct direction and features of the color combination of the straws. The resulting parts are set aside until completely dry.
- We iron the dried parts again on both sides and cut off the excess straw from them, clearly following the outline of the wrong side of the parts of our paper sketch.

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

Stage 3 – forward, chasing your dreams...

We lay out the numbered parts of the sailboat obtained as a result of manufacturing on the base, thereby checking their presence, accuracy in tilt and location. Having confirmed the correctness of the test result, eliminating any inaccuracy, we proceed to the step-by-step gluing of each individual element to the base. This way the complete drawing will be folded easily, quickly, accurately and correctly. The final and mandatory stage of work is to leave the entire product under pressure until it dries completely. If you want to decorate your sailboat, protect it from dust and time, place it under glass...

straw paintings

straw paintings

straw paintings

That's all! A sea cruise on board our sailing frigate is not only an immense distance, a fresh breeze, snow-white sails, spacious decks and comfortable cabins, it is a rich legacy of the work of a real team!
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