Chestnuts can come in handy

Often children bring back the “richness” of nature from a walk. They especially enjoy collecting fallen chestnuts, looking for them under the leaves and rejoicing at every find. From them you can make not only simple children's crafts, but also jewelry for girls.

jewelry for girls

It is best to use chestnuts that have just fallen. After long-term storage they become very hard and difficult to pierce. But there is a way to make them soft. You can fill the chestnuts with water and leave for a day.
So, for work we will need:
- chestnuts;
- lace;
- lace;
- scrunchy;
- needle and thread;
- awl;
- scissors.

Select chestnuts of the appropriate size. In this example, one large and two small on the sides. There may not be three, but five or more. We pierce a through hole in each chestnut with an awl.

pierce through

Pull the string and the pendant is ready. Very fast and easy.

Pull the string

We select chestnuts of the same size. We pierce two through holes in each:

Selecting chestnuts

We take a strong thread with a needle and string it like beads. Leave the end of the thread free at the very beginning. We string chestnuts through the upper holes, then through the lower ones:

Take a strong thread

At the end, the needle should come out of the chestnut from which the bracelet began to be assembled. We secure the thread by tying it with a knot. We hide it in the chestnut hole. We thread the ribbon:

must come out of the chestnut

The bracelet is ready:

The bracelet is ready

We collect the lace into a bow and sew on an elastic band:

put it in a bow

We make two through holes in the chestnut and sew it into the center of the bow, like a button. The elegant hair band is ready:

make two through holes

The lace, ribbon and lace may be of a different color. But preferably one so that it looks like a set.
Crafts made from chestnuts have a beneficial effect on fine motor skills, develop imagination, and train children’s concentration and perseverance.
Happy creativity!
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