Handicraft techniques. Page 39

Master classes:

Decoupage passport cover

Decoupage is one of the interesting modern handicraft techniques, which is widely used for the manufacture and decoration of handmade products. It is very diverse and interesting because the range of creative products is very rich and the subject

Flower clamp

Lately, clamps have become so popular that not having one is not only funny, but even embarrassing. So let's fix this situation. Today we will talk about how to knit a beautiful flower collar with your own hands. For this we need


The work process begins with the manufacture of a birch trunk. On a thread with a needle, collect 35 black beads and close them in a ring. String one bead and pull the thread through the last bead of the 1st row and the first of the 2nd, string the next bead and

Baby bear in a white dress

Prepare for work: 1. Hook No. 2 2. Threads of two colors (preferably 100% cotton) 3. Holofiber or padding polyester (for filling) 4. Beads (for eyes) 5.Sewing thread (black)

Children's elastic band “Sun”

Every girl is a real princess to her family and friends, so she should have matching jewelry. For example, a charming elastic band “sun” will be a great addition to braids.

Hairpin “Blooming poppies”

The poppy flower has its own peculiarity and difference from the others, but this is what attracts us. Therefore, the imitation of a blossoming poppy is often used in various decorations and design paintings. Needlewomen use the image of this flower to create

Knitted children's hat "Cat"

Original and beautiful children's hats always catch the eye. All passersby admire them. And you can knit such a beautiful hat yourself, but this requires a little time and patience. For work we will need: Yarn for knitting delicate

Cute little violet made of beads

Craftswomen girls, needlewomen, today I want to share with you a master class on making a violet flower from beads. Products made from beads are distinguished by their unique beauty, grace, originality and always attract attention, and those around

Cold porcelain ring with orchid

It’s always a pleasure to create beauty with your own hands, surprising and delighting your loved ones with original gifts. Modeling from cold porcelain is a pleasant experience, since the material is very plastic and easy to work with. Cold porcelain can be used purchased

A handbag for all occasions

Today I want to share with you how to sew a handbag for all occasions. You can have a lot of such handbags, they are easy to sew, functional and can be sewn to each of your summer or autumn outfits. I give you a drawing of the bag with dimensions. This

Making and decoupaging candles

The New Year's atmosphere on the festive table is always created by additional accessories that complement and truly enrich the holiday called the New Year. This holiday is magical in its own way, so you need to celebrate it with special magic.

Endless card “Teacher's Day”

Every teacher invests in his students not only knowledge, but also teaches respect, gratitude and many other useful qualities. It follows from this that on his professional holiday the teacher deserves a congratulatory card from you


Making a cat from modular origami is not difficult even for a child. The main thing is to know the progress of the assembly, and you can find out about this in the previous article...

American bow

Making such a decoration for a little fashionista is pure pleasure! The American bow always looks very lush and elegant. It has a lot of intricate curls. The bow is made from multi-colored rep or satin ribbons. Although it looks

Unusual summer handbag

I would like to talk about how to make an original handbag. This handbag was created by a knitter from the Czech Republic, but using her ideas, I created my own handbag for my beloved daughter. It knits very easily.You just have to arm yourself with imagination and

Cheerful bunny

Modular origami is a very interesting, but at the same time very simple hobby. It doesn't take much time, and as a result you can achieve great success. I would like to talk about how you can make a funny bunny out of paper modules.

Original Hand Made envelope

In such an original gift envelope you can, say, give money. Write a letter of recognition to your loved one; he will definitely be delighted with such an envelope. Gifts in the “Hand Made” style are always original and unique and in no way

Hairpin “Blooming tulips”

Jewelry in the form of flowers gives a woman special charm, femininity and attractiveness. But thanks to different types of needlework, each craftswoman can make herself a decoration according to her own taste and preference.

Japanese poppy

To make poppy seeds from Japanese polymer clay, you will need Claycraft by Deco clay in white, blue and red. White is the base color, and red and blue are pigments that are added to the base white and create the necessary

Warm headband

Winter is approaching, and with it the time to choose warm hats. If hats don't appeal to you, feel free to give preference to knitted headbands. They will not only protect your ears from frost, but also keep your hair in its original form. Besides,

Bright and warm blanket

A bright and warm handmade blanket will decorate your interior and become a stunning gift for a loved one. Knitting such a blanket will not be difficult even for a beginner. The main thing is to have a little patience. So in order to link this

Bear photo stand

A photo stand is not only a useful thing, but also an excellent gift. Unfortunately, in stores such stands are monotonous, and their prices are steep. There is a way out - make an original stand in the shape of a bear with your own hands. Us

Wedding bottle with poppies

If you are invited to a wedding or some special event, you should not immediately run to the store for gifts. You can make an original souvenir with your own hands. At the same time, you do not need to have deep knowledge of cutting and sewing. Enough

Cushion for wedding rings

A wedding is such an amazing event that will remain in the memory for many years. And I want everything to be organized at the highest level: the wedding hall, the tables, the bride’s dress, and the car. The same goes for the ring pad.