Apricot puree for children

The benefits of apricot are not a myth, but a real fact. A growing child's body must receive vitamins throughout the year. Where can I get them? Of course, in apricot. Apricot contains many beneficial vitamins, including phosphorus and

New Year's composition

Nothing will decorate a holiday table better than a New Year's composition with candles, which we will make with our own hands. What materials do we need for this: • Gold sheet of mother-of-pearl cardboard, half A45 format; • Handmade candle; • Gold

Frame made of polymer clay with food weight measures

A woman spends a lot of time in the kitchen if she prefers healthy food, loves to please her loved ones with delicious dishes, and enjoys the process. A conveniently organized workplace should not only be in the office. Homework

Defrosting the refrigerator

Modern technology, which surrounds us in all spheres of life, reduces human efforts to a minimum. It would seem that there is nothing difficult to wash clothes by hand, as our mothers and grandmothers did in their time.But why, when it’s for us?

Decorating glasses for the holiday

Setting the table for a holiday is a troublesome and responsible task, requiring not only time, but also imagination. Originally decorated wine glasses and cocktail glasses will become a unique highlight and a wonderful addition to serving your holiday

Fruit salad with yogurt and chocolate

Every caring mother wants to please her kids with a sweet and healthy dish. An interesting fruit salad can be prepared in just a few minutes without much effort.

Citrus peels for tea

How do you like tea? With or without lemon? If you like tea with lemon, this recipe will come in handy. You have never tried such a fragrant drink! This recipe will complement every housewife's culinary repertoire with dignity. He teaches you to save, because start

How to make mulled wine at home

What could be better on a cold winter evening than a glass of warm drink in the company of friends? Mulled wine is a traditional winter warming drink. It is made on the basis of wine, alcohol itself has warming properties, and if it

Healthy homemade yogurt for your kids

Our beloved children love yogurt so much that they cannot live without it. Stores are now filled with many types of this product. Manufacturers add many preservatives to this wonderful drink. And although they understand that they are doing it

Yogurt at home

I want to share my experience of friendship with the little inhabitants of fermented milk products. Whole cow's milk is difficult for children under three years of age to digest, and many adults have difficulty digesting it at all.This can be determined by signs such as bloating