
The task arose to assemble an anemometer for one project so that data could be taken on a computer via a USB interface. The article will focus more on the anemometer itself than on the system for processing data from it. . .

Solar battery

A solar battery is a device for converting solar energy into electricity. High performance solar panels, which you can buy at Radio Shack and other stores, are made from specially processed silicon and require

Charger for a car battery from a computer power supply.

On this page I will tell you how to convert a personal computer power supply into a charger for car (and other) batteries with your own hands. The advantages include the fact that with this charger

Microscope without lenses.

Over its almost 300-year history of development, the microscope has probably become one of the most popular optical instruments, widely used in all areas of human activity. It is especially difficult to overestimate its role in teaching schoolchildren who learn

Water cooling system.

Another interesting variation on the theme of water cooling. This time in an external version with a large radiator, glowing fans and a blue water tank. You can do all this with your own hands, spending less than a thousand rubles.

A selection of simple and effective schemes.

The first circuit is the simplest multivibrator. Despite its simplicity, its scope is very wide. No electronic device is complete without it. . .

Camera gun.

Is it possible to photograph the Moon at home? “It’s possible,” will answer the person who has never held a camera in his hands. “No,” the professional will answer. To do this, you need expensive photographic equipment costing at least $1,500. An ordinary camera will only remove

DIY solar collector.

If your dacha does not yet have electricity and gas, and heating water is a certain difficulty, I suggest making a solar water heater for showering and washing dishes from materials that can often be found in a landfill.

A simple do-it-yourself autonomous security alarm system.

Sometimes there is a need for an autonomous, inexpensive security alarm, for example, for protection in a country house. The use of industrial designs in such cases may not be economically feasible.

Air-hydraulic rocket

The air-hydraulic model is one of the simplest types in rocket modeling. It is characterized by simplicity of design and operation. This model makes it possible to conduct many different experiments and, most importantly, get acquainted with the action


This homemade USB flash drive (yes, yes, exactly a flash drive!) will appeal to those who like to surprise and mislead others :) It looks like a torn USB cable and in fact it is, only a miniature 1 GB flash drive is built into its connector

We assemble a subwoofer with our own hands!

A DIY subwoofer is much cheaper and of better quality than Chinese models. And much more beautiful. . .