STAR WARS style hanger

STAR WARS style hanger

Today I would like to talk about an unusual and beautiful hanger that will appeal to all fans of Star Wars and not only. It was made using the string art technique. This art form is becoming increasingly popular and craftsmade in this style can cost a couple of thousand rubles. Although in fact there is nothing complicated in their manufacture. And such a craft can be made by any person who can hammer a nail into a board. Let's get to work.

Will need

To make this craft we will need:
  • A board that will serve as the basis for future crafts. It is important that the thickness of the board you choose is more than one centimeter.
  • Varnish for wooden products. But if you are satisfied with the color of the board, then you can do without it.
  • The image you have chosen will be created using the string art technique.
  • Scotch tape or tape.
  • Nails.
  • Knitting. Choose the number of colors yourself.
  • Hooks for clothes.
  • A couple of screws for hooks.
  • Strong rope.
  • Hot melt adhesive may also come in handy.

Making a clothes hanger in the STAR WARS style

First, we find an image for production on the Internet. Children's coloring books are best.It is important that the image is large and not very complex (it is better not to choose images of people). Next, print it out in the scale you need and find a board of suitable sizes.
STAR WARS style hanger

Now the stage of processing our base begins. We carefully process the edges and planes of the base to avoid splinters. Then we apply varnish and leave the base to dry. After the varnish has completely dried, we mark the place for the image, with the expectation that there will be room for the hooks. Now, using tape or tape, we attach a printout of our image to the base.
STAR WARS style hanger

On the printout along the contour of the image, use a pencil to mark the places where you will hammer the nails, and then pierce this place with an awl.
STAR WARS style hanger

It is important that the nails are not located too close to each other, so it is better to retreat a distance of one centimeter or more from each notch. When the marking is complete, carefully remove the printout from the base. It's time to hammer in the nails. To ensure that the nails are located at the same depth, you can cut a strip from thick cardboard or plastic, the height of which will be the distance at which the nail head will be above the base.
STAR WARS style hanger

If you use nails that are too long, make sure that the nail does not pierce the board right through, otherwise our craft on the reverse side will not look very presentable. After you have driven in all the nails, you can use self-tapping screws to attach the hooks to the base, or do this at the end (make sure that the length of the screws does not exceed the thickness of the board). Now we begin to fill the future image with threads.
STAR WARS style hanger

To do this, we tie a thread to a knot to any nail and for reliability, this knot can be secured with hot glue.Next, we draw this thread to the opposite end of the image, where this color is still there, draw the thread around the nail and move on to the next one, so we fill the areas with the desired color.
STAR WARS style hanger

If you think the area is already filled in enough, then cut the thread and tie it in a knot on a nearby nail. When you have filled the areas of the image with the desired colors, then at the very end you need to make an outline of the image with black thread, this is necessary so that the image becomes clearer and to distinguish between areas of different colors. The image is ready. Now you can think about how to mount our craft on the wall.
STAR WARS style hanger

I did this in the following way: I took a rope, measured the required length, drilled two images in the upper part of the craft at some distance from each other, with a diameter greater than the thickness of the rope, threaded a thread through the holes and tied it with a knot, I got a simple hanger that can be hung on any self-tapping screw in the wall.
STAR WARS style hanger

Also, to make the craft more beautiful, you could glue star-shaped glitter or a sticker with the “STAR WARS” logo to the base.
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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