How to learn to save electricity?

None of us are ready to give up such a benefit of civilization as electricity. Moreover, without it you won’t be able to watch TV or hang out on the computer, and you can’t do without light either. Computers and TVs, chargers

Cushion for wedding rings

A wedding is such an amazing event that will remain in the memory for many years. And I want everything to be organized at the highest level: the wedding hall, the tables, the bride’s dress, and the car. The same goes for the ring pad.

Refilling inkjet printer cartridges

The cost of printers and MFPs is falling so rapidly that no one can be surprised by a home computer equipped with a printing device. Computer hardware stores offer three types of such devices: matrix, inkjet and

Cold porcelain dog magnet

You can easily make beautiful magnets with your own hands. Polymer clay or cold porcelain are suitable for this. And in today’s master class you will learn how to make a “dog” magnet.Materials: - Stack for modeling - Magnet - Cold porcelain - Gouache

Slippers “little Muk”

Each of us has guests very often. The number and age of guests can be very diverse. And naturally, you want to immediately do something nice for the invited people, surprising them with something. The first thing we offer guests is slippers. Let's

Airplane ceiling tiles

An aviation legend in miniature. Aeromodelling is a great activity that is suitable for both boys and grown men. A love of airplanes, as well as a little patience, is probably all that is needed to make a good one.

Original box made from scrap materials

Many craftswomen prefer to make everything with their own hands, especially boxes for handicrafts. It is very simple, not expensive and original. You can make a box of exactly the size that is needed, as well as the color that suits you best.

Ring with butterfly

A homemade ring with a colorful butterfly is a decoration that is perfectly suitable as an accessory in the spring and summer. Such a product will invariably attract the views of others and draw their attention to its owner.

Egg made from threads

Holidays are always pleasant and fun. Recently, it has become especially popular to decorate the interior thematically, which further sets the mood for the holiday. One of the main Easter elements is the egg, which can also be

Children's winter slippers made of fur

In order for the child to be warm when running around at home and on the street, we put him in light, warm, fur slippers. You can make them yourself. For this we will need: natural or artificial fur, coat fabric, felt, thread (40th

Painting with a three-dimensional pattern

You don't know what to give your mother, grandmother or teacher for her birthday. We suggest making a painting with a three-dimensional pattern in the shape of a flower. The craft is made from inexpensive materials. The technology shown in the master class will allow you to create

Replacing handles on a bag

Nowadays, buying a new handbag is very easy. Huge selection from expensive leather to inexpensive textile. But there are situations when it’s a pity to give up your favorite bag just because its handles have become unusable, and in the workshop

Cold and warm colors: floral arrangements

Every artist, interior designer, clothing designer or, for example, food designer, before starting to create their masterpieces, thinks about what mood and color scheme to choose for their work. It's no secret what color influences

Envelope stroller

Why do you need regular envelopes for money? They are already kind of boring... You can make a very original little masterpiece yourself - a gift, an envelope and a memory. Especially on the occasion of the birth of a child.

Baby stroller made from newspaper tubes

Let's say you are invited to an event: a wedding or a baby shower. An original gift is half of your congratulations.Don't go shopping looking for something exclusive. A surprise made by you personally will always stand out from the background

Homemade handle for a plastic bottle

Sometimes, for various reasons, you have to use a plastic bottle to replenish your drinking water supply. But at the most inopportune moment, the handle of the bottle breaks off. I would like to offer two ways to make a homemade pen.

Butterfly Morpho

The first step in creating Morpho will be making kanzashi petals, which we will later glue and form into wings. Cut 24 squares from the blue ribbon (5x5 cm). Carefully and carefully singe the edges of the tape. Make sure she doesn't

Aries figurine using a jigsaw

Artistic cutting of wooden crafts is one of the most popular types of decorative art available to a creative person who does not have special education or training. Original sawmill craftsmen create from wooden

Envelope for a postcard or letter

It is more pleasant to send and receive a letter if it is enclosed in a beautiful homemade envelope. It is also not a shame to give money or a postcard in such an envelope. The envelope is made quickly and not at all difficult, now I will show you everything.

Crochet openwork mittens

These lacy fingerless gloves, or mitts, are back in style! Experienced needlewomen can knit this elegant accessory in one evening; beginners can do it in two, since the complexity of the product is low. Our model is crocheted No. 2 from acrylic (on

Great-grandmother's cat

Our ancestors played with these or similar animals. Most children's toys were homemade, made from scrap materials. At first, parents gave a “master class” for fun, and then the children made their own, creatively

Sew tulle

Tulle is an integral part of the interior, which allows you to create coziness and comfort in every home. In addition to the fact that tulle decorates the window, it also protects it from prying prying eyes. Nowadays there is a huge variety of tulle, for every taste and price. But

Stroller for testing

If you are faced with the problem of choosing a gift for a holiday dedicated to the birth of a newborn baby, then do not despair, there is always a solution, and in this case it is very interesting and original! Of course, it is best to give preference to a gift in

Candy bouquet made of colored paper

Colored paper is a favorable material for creativity with children. You can create three-dimensional crafts from double-sided colored paper and then present them as a gift. For example, my daughters and I tried to make flowers like these, they were very