New hat from an old blouse

Over time, many old and unnecessary things accumulate, such as elongated sweaters and damaged blouses. Don’t rush to throw them away, this is a wonderful basis for creating a new thing that can still serve you or your children. For

Cube - transformer made of paper

You can make an entertaining paper craft “Transformer Cube” yourself in a few minutes. For this we need - sheet A - 4, tape, ruler, pencil. Instead of a ruler, you can use any flat plate.

Foam toys

We often throw away things that seem absolutely useless to us. But sometimes even out of nothing you can make something original - to the delight of children and adults. Many people have leftover foam rubber at home that sits and collects dust. let's try

Patchwork style pillowcase with embroidery elements

Beautiful things always please the eye. Homemade things are especially pleasant to the soul. They are unique in that the soul of the person who created them is embedded in them. Naturally, many people want to make everything that surrounds their child more convenient and beautiful. After all, children

Stroller made from disposable diapers

A stroller made from disposable diapers or pampers is not only an original, but also a functional gift. After all, such a stroller can always be unpacked and all the accessories included in it can be used for their intended purpose. Lately, when meeting

Bird feeders

Often, looking at birds flying in search of food, every child, and even an adult, thinks about how to feed the hungry birds. Some build large wooden feeders for them, others make do with small devices made of

Colorful butterflies

On cold winter days, when a snowstorm is blowing outside the window, as well as in the evenings, when snow is falling outside the window, you really want to return to summer - hot, bright, sunny. One of the components of the wonderful time of year are the airy, colorful butterflies,

Case for skewers

Any person in his free time strives to replenish his strength and impressions. I want to devote a lot of time to hobbies. Everyone in the family can have a favorite pastime - reading, embroidery, designing, sewing, photography, fishing, hunting. Need to rest

3D landscape for children

Did the kids blow their minds? They just need something to do! I propose to make a three-dimensional landscape with them. This is a very creative process that will captivate children (and maybe even parents) for a long time. We made such landscapes at home and in art classes. Topic

Healthy homemade yogurt for your kids

Our beloved children love yogurt so much that they cannot live without it. Stores are now filled with many types of this product.Manufacturers add many preservatives to this wonderful drink. And although they understand that they are doing it


Flannelograph is a convenient device for educational activities with children. This didactic device is quite simple both to use and to manufacture. Children really enjoy playing with it on their own, and adults are very comfortable with it.

Cheerful octopus

Children are interested in creating with different materials. A separate direction in children's creativity is creativity from scrap items at hand. For example, to complete this craft you will need the following materials: a cardboard base roll from a toilet

DIY foot massage mat

Orthopedic doctors often diagnose young children with flat feet. Many people think that this diagnosis is made forever. In fact, flat feet can be treated with banal physical therapy exercises, massage and wearing the right shoes.

Yogurt at home

I want to share my experience of friendship with the little inhabitants of fermented milk products. Whole cow's milk is difficult for children under three years of age to digest, and many adults have difficulty digesting it at all. This can be determined by signs such as bloating

Salt dough souvenir

Salt dough is a universal, and most importantly environmentally friendly, material for making interesting souvenirs, refrigerator magnets, wall panels and other cute little things. This activity will appeal to children of any age. When modeling in children