Application of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions

Aluminum foil for food is the thinnest flexible sheet of aluminum, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many housewives in culinary matters for preparing and storing food. Being non-toxic

Bouquet of chocolate and candies

When choosing a gift for any occasion, you always want it to be unusual, but at the same time preferably inexpensive. We offer to surprise the hero of the occasion with such an original bouquet of chocolate and sweets in the form of a piece of cake.


This kaleidoscope is very easy to make and elementary school students can do it very well. Kaleidoscopes can be made from a variety of materials, such as towel reels, plastic bottles, plastic molds and cardboard. You can also

Openwork napkin holder

A napkin holder is an indispensable thing both at the festive table and during a quick snack. It would also be appropriate to place a napkin holder on the desktop, at which very often you not only have to work, but sometimes also have a quick meal.

Remote control repair

With prolonged and intensive use, radio remote controls begin to develop a characteristic malfunction. The remote control buttons stop responding to pressing. This happens due to contamination of the contact pads of the board and rubber buttons,

How to make a home smokehouse

The desire to have your own smokehouse is quite understandable, because it includes smoked wings for beer during the holidays, and a delicious aromatic dinner in the form of smoked drumstick or a piece of lard. How can you refuse such yummy food? Of course, there is the option of buying ready-smoked

Gift composition “Horseshoe” with sweets

Always, when we are invited to some kind of celebration, we rack our brains about what to give, what gift to choose so that it is original, beautiful, and unusual. You won’t surprise anyone with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne, but to do

Christmas tree decoration

Today you can see a lot of low-quality products on the market. And I really want to avoid any troubles. Therefore, on the eve of the New Year, we will make an environmentally friendly, absolutely safe Christmas tree toy. To make a Christmas tree toy

Christmas tree from a candy box

Many people ask the question: how to decorate a house for the New Year holidays? Let's create together a little sister of a big New Year tree from candy packaging. For work you will need: candy packaging, plasticine or plaster, colored paper or foil. We

Natural freshener

Everyone likes it when their apartment, office or any other room has a pleasant smell.This can be achieved with the help of a store-bought air freshener, which comes in different varieties and is sold everywhere. However, today I want to tell you about what is good,

How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine. Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine.” And rightly so, because this material is completely

Baked fish

Baked fish is a dietary product and has amazing taste. The best nutrients in fish can be preserved by cooking it outdoors using the coals of a fire and food foil as a casing. For frying fish over

Valentine's flavor

Valentine's Day is a holiday for all people who are in love and have sympathy; on this day gifts, sweets, flowers and valentines are given. A gift with your own hands has been and will remain the most valuable and pleasant, even if it is not an expensive surprise, but

Applique “Christmas tree” made of yarn

The New Year is already approaching with easy steps, and people of different generations and ages are preparing to celebrate it. When decorating the interior, most people use classic lanterns, rain, and garlands. Those who like to create with their own hands, creating

Painting a porcelain plate

Ever since I was captivated by such a fascinating activity as glass painting, I was pleased to discover that the eternal question “What to give?” I somehow decided on my own.After all, for any occasion in life there is always an exclusive item ready,

DIY Van de Graaff generator

The operating principle of a Van de Graaff generator is very similar to that of a Wimshurst machine, but instead of rotating discs, it uses a moving belt on two pulleys. The belt is electrified by friction against the lower pulley (in large machines it

Backlit mouse pad

If you are tired of the usual banal mouse pad, then make your own unique one that no one else has!

Toy - Somersault.

A tumbler is an interesting toy that everyone will be happy to play with, and it’s not difficult to make. . .