Japanese poppy

To make poppy seeds from Japanese polymer clay, you will need Claycraft by Deco clay in white, blue and red. White is the base color, and red and blue are pigments that are added to the base white and create the necessary

Plywood clock

Plywood clock “Orange mood”. Ordinary wall clocks can be purchased at any store; the choice is quite wide. But something made for someone as a gift with your own hands will look much more impressive. In addition, it will serve as a reminder


Felting is becoming quite a popular type of needlework these days. Craftswomen manage to felt everything from unspun wool: souvenirs, toys, fabrics, felt boots, slippers, elements of costume jewelry and much more. Today I want to tell you about how

Refilling inkjet printer cartridges

The cost of printers and MFPs is falling so rapidly that no one can be surprised by a home computer equipped with a printing device. Computer hardware stores offer three types of such devices: matrix, inkjet and

Napkin holder

Today I will show you how easy and simple it is to make a napkin holder from materials that are probably found in every home. You don’t need any additional skills to make it, so you can use a child if you wish. What do we need

Picture-amulet “Horseshoe”

Since ancient times, finding a horseshoe was considered to bring good luck. According to popular legend, the blacksmith who shoed the unclean man made an agreement with him: he does not enter the house where the horseshoe hangs with its horns down. Every home should have a talisman. Who else but he will protect the inhabitants

Warmer and teapot napkin

During the cold season, a heating pad and teapot cloth will help keep your tea warm. The set is easy to make and does not require special skills or expensive materials. If you don’t have a sewing machine, you can easily get by with hand stitches. Dimensions

Two-color soap

We are always faced with a huge choice when we are going to congratulate our loved ones, since in today’s world there is simply a colossal choice of gifts, but somehow we really want the gift to not only be liked, but also useful in everyday life. This

Stained glass picture with a bouquet of flowers

Nowadays, painting on glass with stained glass paints is very popular. After all, thanks to the use of special paints and special contours, you can get a very impressive design on glass, which at first glance is quite difficult

Foam dragon

To make a dragon, you will need the following materials and tools: polyurethane foam, wire, mother-of-pearl buttons for the eyes, newsprint, white paper napkins or white single-layer toilet paper, PVA glue, water-based paint


Guilloche is a technique of openwork burning on fabric. Various napkins, tablecloths, clothing items and even paintings can be created using the guilloche method. To do this, you need a wood burning device, in which the tip is replaced with a needle made of

Terry violet made of beads

To make a terry violet from beads you will need: − Beads No. 10 of the preferred color, in this case blue, light blue, green and a little yellow; − Wire 0.2 or 0.3 mm thick; − Florenta or green floss threads; − Glue Moment and PVA;

Decorating candles

Materials: - Paraffin or wax candles (you can buy wax in specialized stores or craft stores; cheaper option: buy ordinary candles in a supermarket) - the number of candles depends on the size of the future candle; -

Rustic Napkins

To make a textile table napkin in a rustic style, you will need the following materials and tools: 1. fabric for table linen or curtain fabric, 2. threads in the color of the fabric, 3. checkered ribbon, harmonizing in color with the fabric of the napkin,

“Sunny” bag for the summer season

A new season of holidays, sun and beach will open very soon.In the meantime, while surviving the last autumn drafts and rains, you can create a couple of stylish things that will delight you with warmth and light. The decoupage technique is considered to be the simplest and most accessible - with its

Decoupage wall clock

Materials: Pronty watch-shaped blank • Stamperia materials: Primer • Allegro acrylic paint (6 white) • Colla Velo decoupage glue • Rice paper • KEOZM two-step craquelure composition • Purpurin DP04B • KES05 aerosol varnish •

Decoupage eggs for Easter

Since time flies quickly and, as always, there is plenty to do, we are now sitting down to decorate the Easter table. Each egg made in this way warms the soul and pleases the eye. So let's get started. To decorate the egg we need the egg itself, in our

Candle "Angels"

Nowadays, many people are interested in creating beautiful things with their own hands. If you need to quickly prepare a gift for a loved one, make a candle using the decoupage technique, decorate it with small decorations and an exclusive gift is ready.

Mouse pad

Many people who spend a lot of time at the computer have to change their mouse pad more often than usual. Most people go to the store and just buy new clothes, sometimes for a lot of money. I propose another solution to this problem. Can

Cute chest

Decoupage is an art accessible to everyone. To make an interesting thing using this technique, you do not need special knowledge, which can please everyone. A cute chest, decorated with your own hands, can become storage

Summer butterfly in dot painting

To make a decorative plate with dot painting, we will need the following materials: 1. Plastic plate. 2. Acrylic contours and glitters of different colors. 3. Sketch of the drawing. 4. Acrylic paints (white and black). 5. PVA glue. 6. Alcohol. 7.

"Flower Heart" - greeting card

If you persistently think about hearts, about love, it means that Valentine's Day is approaching. You can express your love, affection, sympathy in different ways, for example, with a handmade valentine. First of all, cut out the template

Reverse decoupage on a plate

Reverse decoupage is a paper applique laid on a hard surface and coated with varnish or paint. Thanks to this technology, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. So, for example, if you have simple materials, you

Topiary made from magazine tubes

To create a topiary you will need: -magazine tubes - 39 pieces; - polypropylene tube - 30 cm; -sewing threads; - sheet of cardboard; -scissors; -PVA glue; -paper napkins in green, red, pink and yellow colors; - COSMOFEN glue.