Stone box

If after repairs you still have decorative textured plaster, primer with quartz filler, empty tape reels, do not rush to throw them away, all this can be useful for making a box. First you need to make the basis for

Corals and shells in the interior of the house

A seaside holiday is the ideal vacation for many. Many seas have now become accessible to Russians: from the beloved and once only Black Sea to the tropical seas of Southeast Asia. Many people love a beach holiday, but in the heat you can only lie in


Every woman has her favorite jewelry. It is convenient to store them in boxes - then they will not get lost and will be at hand all the time. There are different boxes - metal and wood, plastic and wicker, and I suggest you make a box from

Balloon made from an old light bulb

What do you usually do with a burnt out light bulb? Do you take it for recycling or just throw it in the trash? I propose to give the light bulb a second life and, thereby, save nature from excess dirt that is harmful to it. Ask how else you can use the light bulb,

Smart keychain

Such a thing in his everyday life as a keychain can tell a lot about a person. A small flight of fancy, peacefully dangling on the keys or phone, one way or another corresponds to the inner qualities and desires of its owner. For people, negative

Wedding card

Of course, the most important congratulatory document for a wedding is a postcard. You walk around for a long time, choose something original and beautiful, and the solution is quite simple. You can make your own wedding greeting card. It will not only be

We install a collector heating system

The collector system is remarkable in that it is universal; its installation is carried out by people without professional skills. Moreover, such a system allows you to install heating with hidden pipe wiring. Pipe cross-section according to economic

Homemade handle for a plastic bottle

Sometimes, for various reasons, you have to use a plastic bottle to replenish your drinking water supply. But at the most inopportune moment, the handle of the bottle breaks off. I would like to offer two ways to make a homemade pen.

Parrot toys

Nature has given parrots great curiosity and interest in everything new that appears in their cages. To prevent your feathered pet from looking for something to do on his own, direct his talents in the desired direction, namely, if the bird loves

Beaded necklace "Daisy"

An easy-to-make, but very effective beaded necklace can be made using beads matched in tone or in contrast, the main condition is that you need to choose the size of the beads so that the result is a smooth semicircle without distortion and

Youth passport covers

Modern girls always choose very exclusive and unique things, strive to be the most beautiful and unique, to stand out from each other. And the choice of wardrobe, as well as the selection of various accessories to go with them, is a whole story. Therefore, for a long time

Salt dough valentines

Everyone is pleased to receive congratulations, gifts and, of course, valentines on Valentine's Day! Now you can see a wide variety of valentines. Whatever these congratulatory hearts are made of: paper, cardboard, wood, glass...

Bunny earrings made of polymer clay

Increasingly, modern girls, instead of expensive and elaborate jewelry made of precious metals, prefer to wear jewelry made from such a seemingly unattractive material as polymer clay. What is the secret of plastic surgery? In fact, everything is very simple

Keychain made of viscose napkin

Keychains are equally loved by both adults and children. Although they are not an essential item, they are suitable as a gift for everyone. Children love to attach figurines of their favorite cartoon characters to their bags. Men are happy to accept keychains as gifts

Bracelet - stylish metal

Every fashionista should have an accessory that combines brutality and elegance in her arsenal.Typically, this effect can be achieved by mixing rough elements such as leather or metal with lightweight materials and beads. One of them

Thread box

Beautiful and convenient boxes for storing various trinkets are always needed in the house. For example, I like to knit, but over the years of doing this hobby I have collected a lot of leftover yarn, which, on the one hand, I need, and on the other, is constantly lying in

Restoration of an old wardrobe

Very often, old furniture becomes so deeply rooted in our lives that there is practically no way to part with it. This is exactly the situation that happened with an old wardrobe from the beginning of the last century. The world around him has changed, the apartment

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication. It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

How to replace a runner on clothes

Previously this was quite problematic. Currently, hardware stores have a huge selection of sewing products. It's easy to select a slider. The size is usually written on the other side. Materials, configurations, “tuning” for every taste: plastic and metal,

Mobile table made from ordinary

You have quite good kitchen furniture, which usually stands in the corner - it doesn’t bother anyone. When guests arrive, or it’s time for the whole family to eat, you start moving it to a convenient place. An even more exotic problem: to

Postcard panel with 3D effect

Panels are used in interior decoration to fill the walls. There are several types: carved, wooden, artistic, marine themed and others. Most often, a panel with flowers is made, which organically fits into the decor of the room.

Vintage box

The art of decoupage became popular in the 18th-19th centuries, when this type of creativity became widespread in Europe. This technique, whose name means “carve” in French, involves transferring an image onto wooden

Restoration of the table

Every person has encountered such a problem as hatred of pieces of furniture. Often, even the most favorite table or box gets boring, and you are ready to give everything not to see it. To solve this problem the most ideal option would be

Case for phone

A phone case is a very necessary thing. It simultaneously protects the phone from damage and is a decoration. And an unusual case, made by yourself, will also emphasize the individuality of its owner. For example, you can make a case from felt