Decorating a bottle with colored salt

In order to decorate the interior, create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the house or please a loved one with an original gift, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive souvenirs. It is quite possible to create them yourself. Lately it's been very

Heart shaped photo frames

Photos of loved ones awaken bright feelings in us. Let's insert a photo into a heart-shaped photo frame with our own hands. This photo frame can be placed on the table or attached to the wall. The highlight of your interior will be a wall decorated

Original T-shirt

Many of us, when buying a T-shirt or T-shirt, try to buy one that others don’t have, paying exorbitant prices. And then, somewhere in the city, they see someone wearing the same T-shirt or T-shirt, and a moment of disappointment sets in. And yet there seems to be a way out

Making a stuffed bird

In order to make a stuffed bird, you need to have: Wire, copper sulfate (or its solution), a brush (for applying copper sulfate), tow (or any padding material (sintepon, cotton wool, etc.), glue (moment),

Passport cover

The most important document of any person is a passport. Many companies offer to buy interesting and original covers, but we can offer you to design your passport in a stylish and chic way, and in a single copy. This cover will definitely cause

Bottle decor “Golden sunflowers”

Beautiful things attract attention. And beautiful things made by hand are pleasing not only to the eyes, but also to the soul. There is no factory stereotypedness and facelessness in them, but there is always a place for creative imagination and a non-standard approach to the standard

Bunny made of wool

To create a toy hare, it took no more than 100 grams of gray wool, and a very small amount of yellow and pink. Needles No. 60 and No. 45 were used in the felting process. To create a head, take the amount of wool that

Bunny earrings made of polymer clay

Increasingly, modern girls, instead of expensive and elaborate jewelry made of precious metals, prefer to wear jewelry made from such a seemingly unattractive material as polymer clay. What is the secret of plastic surgery? In fact, everything is very simple

Craft basket

Home Sweet Home. Life in it consists of familiar things and cute trinkets. They are the ones who make it better. And you don’t have to be a professional designer or decorator to make your home cozier and warmer. It just takes a little skill, a little

Merry cow

In kindergarten and school, at home and in the circle of “skillful hands” - everywhere and always children are happy to make bright and interesting crafts, come up with unusual things to decorate the classroom or their room, make original gifts for

Fridge magnet machine

After an interesting trip or memorable event, the collection of souvenir magnets on our refrigerators is replenished. Funny or themed, bas-relief or rectangular - they all remind us of pleasant moments in life. Sometimes it gets like this


From the simplest objects you can make interesting and unusual decorations for your home. Take, for example, cardboard rolls left over from paper napkins or toilet paper. From such a simple and seemingly absolutely unnecessary material,

Heart for Valentine's Day

Very soon is Valentine's Day, popularly known as Saint Valentine, and we are already preparing gifts. On this day it is not at all necessary to run headlong to the store and look for some gift, just a little

Author's paper

Making handmade paper is a very creative and exciting process. The peculiarity of this master class is that to create your own custom paper you will not need any special devices or materials, everything

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication. It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

Leather bracelet

Recently, women's fashion has included accessories made from rough, rather brutal materials. Most often, the raw material for their production is leather or leatherette. To make my bracelet I used the following materials: •

money flower

There is probably not such a happy person on the entire globe who has never in his life faced the problem of choosing a gift. Not an easy gift for a difficult person. A gift for that special category of people who are already in life

Gift box

When going on a visit, we think not only about the gift, but also about how to pack it. I want the gift box to be original and practical. You can make such a box with your own hands. This craft will not take much time and

Vintage box

The art of decoupage became popular in the 18th-19th centuries, when this type of creativity became widespread in Europe. This technique, whose name means “carve” in French, involves transferring an image onto wooden

Openwork basket

A standard idea and the most non-standard embodiment of this idea into reality, solving an ordinary problem in an original way - the life of a creative person.The made openwork basket can become a wonderful decoration for the kitchen interior and

Luxurious picture frame

Everyone knows how the environment changes, all you have to do is hang a few paintings on the wall. Especially those, you know, solid, luxurious ones, in a heavy gilded frame. But, it’s worth asking the price for such picture frames in framing workshops, as they cover

Hat made of newspaper tubes

Once upon a time, people read newspapers a lot. Much less now. However, there are a couple in every home. What fate awaits them? Storage in the attic, recycling... No. With patience and imagination, you can make a hat.

Crown for the Snow Queen

To make the Snow Queen's crown, we will need the following materials: - foam rubber - a can of silver paint - a cutting knife - a needle - white threads - silver sequins - white acrylic paint - silver satin ribbon - large

How to make a home smokehouse

The desire to have your own smokehouse is quite understandable, because it includes smoked wings for beer during the holidays, and a delicious aromatic dinner in the form of smoked drumstick or a piece of lard. How can you refuse such yummy food? Of course, there is the option of buying ready-smoked