Napkin holder

Today I will show you how easy and simple it is to make a napkin holder from materials that are probably found in every home. You don’t need any additional skills to make it, so you can use a child if you wish. What do we need

Transforming your hair comb

Nowadays many people prefer to use wooden combs. Such combs are environmentally friendly, do not damage the scalp, and do not electrify the hair, unlike plastic ones. But more often than not, these combs simply polish well without causing

Cheerful sunflowers

Recently, while wandering aimlessly through a craft store, I came across one cheerful and warm picture. It was a sunflower motif on a decoupage napkin. And I liked it so much that I immediately decided to reproduce it as a painting.

Decorating candles

Materials: - Paraffin or wax candles (you can buy wax in specialized stores or craft stores; cheaper option: buy ordinary candles in a supermarket) - the number of candles depends on the size of the future candle; -

“Sunny” bag for the summer season

A new season of holidays, sun and beach will open very soon. In the meantime, while surviving the last autumn drafts and rains, you can create a couple of stylish things that will delight you with warmth and light. The decoupage technique is considered to be the simplest and most accessible - with its

Decoupage wall clock

Materials: Pronty watch-shaped blank • Stamperia materials: Primer • Allegro acrylic paint (6 white) • Colla Velo decoupage glue • Rice paper • KEOZM two-step craquelure composition • Purpurin DP04B • KES05 aerosol varnish •

Decoupage eggs for Easter

Since time flies quickly and, as always, there is plenty to do, we are now sitting down to decorate the Easter table. Each egg made in this way warms the soul and pleases the eye. So let's get started. To decorate the egg we need the egg itself, in our

Candle "Angels"

Nowadays, many people are interested in creating beautiful things with their own hands. If you need to quickly prepare a gift for a loved one, make a candle using the decoupage technique, decorate it with small decorations and an exclusive gift is ready.

Mouse pad

Many people who spend a lot of time at the computer have to change their mouse pad more often than usual. Most people go to the store and just buy new clothes, sometimes for a lot of money. I propose another solution to this problem. Can

Cute chest

Decoupage is an art accessible to everyone.To make an interesting thing using this technique, you do not need special knowledge, which can please everyone. A cute chest, decorated with your own hands, can become storage

Reverse decoupage on a plate

Reverse decoupage is a paper applique laid on a hard surface and coated with varnish or paint. Thanks to this technology, you can create real masterpieces with your own hands. So, for example, if you have simple materials, you

Book box

On the eve of such a family holiday as the anniversary of my beloved mother, I was faced with a serious question regarding a gift. The fact is that mom doesn’t like expensive and pretentious things. Even a standard bouquet of roses is a waste of money for her. Especially

Passport cover

The most important document of any person is a passport. Many companies offer to buy interesting and original covers, but we can offer you to design your passport in a stylish and chic way, and in a single copy. This cover will definitely cause

Heart for Valentine's Day

Very soon is Valentine's Day, popularly known as Saint Valentine, and we are already preparing gifts. On this day it is not at all necessary to run headlong to the store and look for some gift, just a little

Pendant with glass-like coating

Among interior items, clothing, and jewelry, you can increasingly find things made in a vintage style, which is characterized by its sophistication and sophistication.It is believed that products created no later than the 80s can be called vintage.

Vintage box

The art of decoupage became popular in the 18th-19th centuries, when this type of creativity became widespread in Europe. This technique, whose name means “carve” in French, involves transferring an image onto wooden

Restoration of the table

Every person has encountered such a problem as hatred of pieces of furniture. Often, even the most favorite table or box gets boring, and you are ready to give everything not to see it. To solve this problem the most ideal option would be

Master class: Decoupage plates

On Valentine's Day, romantic cards, hearts, and valentines are traditionally given. But you can give a plate made by yourself with a touching heart and cute Cupid. Materials and tools: • Valentine card; • acrylic paints; •

Decorating a passport cover

Materials: - passport cover; - acrylic paints and varnish; - decoupage card; - art brushes and sponges; - alcohol-containing composition; - masking tape; - shellac varnish (you can take the first step of two-component craquelure); - related:

Decoupage of New Year's Christmas balls

New Year is coming soon, and we want to decorate our Christmas tree in something very beautiful and at the same time original and unusual. Therefore, today’s master class will come in handy for us, thanks to which we will independently decorate plastic balls using the technique

Decoupage of toys for the Christmas tree

Today we will study a detailed master class on making Christmas tree decorations using the decoupage technique. What we need for this: • Two foam hearts; • Two napkins for decoupage: one with New Year's deer, and the second with horses; • White

Decoupage tissue boxes

Very often you come across boxes that you don’t want to part with. And they lie there until you come up with a use for them. So it is this time. The napkins have long since run out, and the box will be thrown away without raising a hand. And good. Because she came out of it

Chest made of plastic bottles

There are always a couple of empty plastic bottles in the house, especially in summer. A minimum of skill, a little perseverance and diligence, a little imagination, improvised materials, a couple of hours of time, a lot of desire and... a wonderful plastic chest

Box with a teddy bear

This cute little box is not difficult to make. Thanks to its unusual shape and original design, the box will be a wonderful interior decoration. You can store any small jewelry in it: rings, earrings, chains.