Cute turtle

Does your child love toys? Every mother tries to pamper her child with new soft friends. Imagine how nice it will be for a child to receive a toy that his mother made herself and especially for him. Now I'll show you how to do it

Snowflake made of beads

Beautiful and delicate snowflakes are an excellent decoration for a New Year's costume or Christmas tree. Making them is not only simple, but also interesting. For work you will need: - beads; - thin fishing line or wire; - scissors.

Christmas tree made of beads

The New Year is approaching, and more and more you want to decorate everything around you with something truly festive and unusual. How to decorate your workplace? After all, in most cases you can’t place something bulky in the workplace like you can at home. In this case

Christmas tree toy made of threads

Before the New Year there is always a festive and high spirits. Most often we create it for ourselves. But sometimes the things around us can also make us feel.And if they are made with your own hands, then your soul is light and joyful, and the feeling of pride is simply

Fun rattle for baby

All children and even many adults love Kinder surprises. Did you know that plastic toy containers can be turned into another fun toy - a rattle? I have always disliked plastic rattles, they are hard and often even

Case for phone

Each of us has at least one phone in our pocket, and some have more. When choosing a new gadget, we strive to show individuality, and when choosing a case for it, we decorate it and protect it from scratches. But if you find a unique phone almost

Original invitation to a bachelorette party

A bachelorette party is an important event in the life of a future bride. Therefore, you need to prepare for it thoroughly, thinking through every detail, right down to invitations. Original invitations in the form of such a piece of women's clothing as a corset can surprise girlfriends and

Bead embroidery on patterned fabric

Master class: embroidering icons with beads on fabric with a pattern. To work, you need a thick fabric with a clear image of a saint, which will ensure good fixation of the beads. And also high-quality beads, needle, selected according to the color scheme depicted on the fabric

Candy bouquet made of colored paper

Colored paper is a favorable material for creativity with children. You can create three-dimensional crafts from double-sided colored paper and then present them as a gift. For example, my daughters and I tried to make flowers like these, they were very

Beaded keychain “Crocodile”

We offer to weave an original keychain from beads in the shape of a crocodile using parallel weaving. It will match any set of keys, giving them an attractive and fun look. To weave such a keychain, we will definitely need a fishing line for

Breathing life into an old mirror

Probably every person has some old, old thing that it’s a pity to throw away. It is often difficult to place such a thing anywhere, because it does not look anywhere and only spoils the entire interior. So it is with me. While cleaning the apartment, inherited

T-shirt update

In this MK I want to show how to update, make more wearable and attractive, a thing that no longer meets our requirements. It often happens that the inscriptions on T-shirts that we like and force us to make purchases, after several

Wood for earrings

There are so many interesting and funny things in the world that sometimes there is no time to be sad, but if you have time for such a not very rewarding task, then you should do something useful. Despite all the things that you can redo: and the dust

Blue wisteria

Making something with your own hands is a wonderful gift for your loved ones. Beaded trees at home will never wither, do not require special care, they look great in the interior. To create such a miracle, we will use Czech beads. We will need:

Knitted summer necklace with beaded trim

Every woman wants to look unique and original, especially in the summer.After all, it is in the summer that we can boast not only of outfits, but also of jewelry. In winter, it is simply not visible from under outerwear. I would like to introduce you to a related

Curtains - threads

As you know, curtains are designed to decorate windows, thereby protecting yourself from moonlight or daylight. But the curtains that you will read about below will certainly surprise and interest you, because curtains - threads are not created and used

Unusual snail

Children love beautiful and unusual toys. As a parent, I know that a trip to the store is never complete without a request to buy some new soft friend. Often you can delight your baby not only with store-bought toys. Healthier for the child

Beaded hair band

Hair decorations (barrettes, elastic bands, headbands, etc.) are a very important part for creating beautiful and original hairstyles. They are not cheap in stores, but since every fashionista should have several of them (of different shapes, colors), you can

Spring birch tree made of beads

The symbol of spring and beauty is the birch tree. She is very elegant, beautiful and useful. Why not have such beauty at home? Most often, needlewomen begin their work with this tree. Today I will show you a simple master class on it

Box-chest “Sea breeze”

A little more time and summer will come, all residents go outside and, of course, to the beach. This is a wonderful time to relax and feel the breeze of the nearby sea, river or, if you are lucky, even the ocean. In the meantime, this time has not yet come, you can

Necklace with notebook

Probably, every person, when choosing his own style, definitely wants his clothes to have something that you definitely won’t see on others. The option with a dress, skirts and blouses is out of the question, because even fashion boutiques make two exclusive dresses, and

Beaded necklace

Every girl is a creature who can tirelessly go through her wardrobe, and end up wearing old jeans and a T-shirt. Yes, we are all in this. We carefully choose any of our clothes, spending hours in front of the mirror. When we finally make a choice

Organizing order in the workplace

It’s always nice when all things are in their places and the office is clean and tidy. Creative people always don't do well with this. Creative disorder is a certain feature of all artists. But to establish a small organization after all

Corrugated paper flower tree

A very long time ago, in ancient times, people began to master the art of creating flowers from paper. They decorated homes, gave them to each other, and in the mid-18th century in European countries, paper flowers began to be used to decorate churches. A little bit later