8 ways to repair broken threads in a furniture handle

Handles of drawers and furniture doors often break off. The threads of their fastening simply cannot stand it and break off. It is not necessary to fix this problem by replacing the handle. In most cases, it can be repaired, and in a dozen ways. Let's look at some of them with crash reliability tests.

1. Installing a longer screw

The handle often comes off as it is held in place by a screw with only a couple of threads. There are too few of them to support the load, and they break. In this case, it is enough to replace the standard screw with a longer one that can reach the very end. It will twist into threads that have not been used at all before and remain intact.

If you don’t have a new long screw at hand, then you can drill a hole from the inside of the drawer or front. Due to this, it will be possible to deepen the old screw, and it will screw into the entire part of the thread.

A crash test involving tearing out a fully screwed screw from a new, intact furniture handle showed a force of 350 kg. How a handle with part of the thread torn off will behave depends on how many turns were damaged.If half is preserved, then you can count on 175 kg.

2. Seal with a match

If the thread in the handle is completely broken, you can insert a match into its hole. Then tighten the self-tapping screw instead of the screw.

In the end, he will hold on. This is a simple, accessible method, but not very reliable, since the self-tapping screw pulled out with a force of 8 kg during testing.

3. Application of fulenta

You can also wrap fumlenta around the screw. In this case, it will allow it to be screwed tightly into the broken thread.

The result is a more reliable mount, which on the tested handle can withstand a load of up to 17 kg.

4. Seal with a bamboo skewer

Instead of a soft aspen match, you can seal the hole in the handle with a hard bamboo skewer. The result is an even stronger fastening of the self-tapping screw. During testing, it has already withstood a load of up to 42 kg.

5. Solder sealing

You can insert 2 rods of solder wire into a hole with a stripped thread. When screwing in a self-tapping screw, soft tin fills the cavities, due to which, during a crash test, the handle was able to hold a tension of up to 55 kg.

6. Sealing with a plastic bag

If the handle is metal, then you can press a plastic bag into it. It is then heated to melt the polymer.

When it hardens, a hole is drilled in it with a thin drill. Then a self-tapping screw is screwed into it.

Surprisingly, the repair with a bag allowed the self-tapping screw to hold up to a tension of 60.5 kg during testing.

7. Using a thick screw

You can also screw a thick self-tapping screw with a cut off tip into a handle with a stripped thread.

It will cut its own thread, making the mount really strong. The crash test showed a breaking force of 150 kg.

8. Repair with epoxy glue

Also, the problem with a torn handle can be solved by filling it with two-component epoxy glue. Then the thread of a screw without a head with a wound fleece for reinforcement is screwed into the hole.

Such a handle is secured from the inside of the drawer or on the back side of the facade with a nut and washer. After the glue dried, it took a force of 277 kg to break such a connection, which is not much less than when testing a whole threaded handle.

Watch the video

How to make a threaded dismountable connection of plastic pipes without soldering - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/7822-kak-sdelat-rezbovoe-razbornoe-soedinenie-plastikovyh-trub-bez-pajki.html

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Comments (1)
  1. Alexey Anatolyevich Morozov
    #1 Alexey Anatolyevich Morozov Guests 20 October 2021 18:51
    At the cabinet assembly furniture This kind of problem occurs often. We carry with us a cotton thread = 0.5 mm, coated with tar and paraffin on it (Dratva in the recent past). We push something thin (an awl) into the thread of the handle, then screw it in. It always helps! !!Well, the plastic handles have a self-tapping screw.