Cover for the grade book

For a student, the most important document that should practically always be with him is his grade book. This document is considered not only as a kind of diary for assessments, but is also considered its face. It must be in the cover in order to

Hot stand

Beautiful wooden coasters can be an excellent gift for any holiday. These handmade items will decorate any table and are sure to attract everyone's attention. Make original coasters completely

Notepad for cooking notes

This article will help you get into the creative process of creating a notebook from scratch. Such a thing will always keep your hands warm. To create a notebook you will need the following materials: - A4 paper soaked in coffee and cinnamon

Lava lamp

The lava lamp attracts the eye and makes both adults and children gaze at the little miracle in the bottle. You can make a small lava lamp at home, using the most common products. The main ingredients of such a magic lamp

Gift envelope for CD

This master class will be devoted to creating a CD sleeve with your own hands. I want to warn you right away - be patient. The envelope is trimmed with fabric, and working with it is very painstaking!

Men's card

Today in the article we will talk about creating a postcard for a man. The card will be given to the recipient on his birthday. For what reason were these particular colors, execution style, and idea with the business card and daisy names chosen? The fact is that,

Vase made using papier-mâché technique

We will need: Form for the future vase; Newspapers; White paper; PVA glue; Disposable gloves; Polyethylene film; Gouache; Glossy varnish for coating; Brushes for gouache and varnish.

Cute chest

Decoupage is an art accessible to everyone. To make an interesting thing using this technique, you do not need special knowledge, which can please everyone. A cute chest, decorated with your own hands, can become storage

Watercolor drawing

The question of today is drawing with watercolors. Many, when faced with watercolors, prefer to bypass it, since this paint is fluid and incredibly difficult to handle. However, don't be scared. As they say, the devil is not as bad as him

Cold and warm colors: floral arrangements

Every artist, interior designer, clothing designer or, for example, food designer, before starting to create their masterpieces, thinks about what mood and color scheme to choose for their work.It's no secret what color influences

Wedding card

Of course, the most important congratulatory document for a wedding is a postcard. You walk around for a long time, choose something original and beautiful, and the solution is quite simple. You can make your own wedding greeting card. It will not only be

Youth passport covers

Modern girls always choose very exclusive and unique things, strive to be the most beautiful and unique, to stand out from each other. And the choice of wardrobe, as well as the selection of various accessories to go with them, is a whole story. Therefore, for a long time

Author's paper

Making handmade paper is a very creative and exciting process. The peculiarity of this master class is that to create your own custom paper you will not need any special devices or materials, everything

Snow Maiden made of colored paper

Funny and easy-to-make crafts based on paper cones are probably familiar to everyone. We will tell you how you can make such a craft more interesting using the simplest elements of the quilling technique. As the New Year approaches,

Making beautiful paper for cards

When you're invited to a birthday party, what's the first thing you think of besides the gift? Of course, about a beautiful postcard. Special attention is often paid to the choice of postcard. I want her to be not just beautiful, but also cheerful, suitable for

Unattractive notepad

Probably, many people have some uninteresting notebook or notebook in their closet or shelf that they don’t want to use just because of its boring appearance. Today I want to share with you a recipe for how to transform an old

Fridge magnet

It has long been known that there is no better gift than a gift made with your own hands. By creating a souvenir ourselves, we put our heart, soul, and warmth into it. And if the gift is made from the heart, then this positive energy will definitely be transferred

Spring photo frame

Today I will talk about how to make a beautiful photo frame with your own hands. To make it, you do not need any special tools or devices; all components are available. So, we need a regular photo frame. I chose the most

Homemade volcano

The proposed volcano model can be easily made at home. It can become a spectacular imitation of the process that occurs in the depths of our Earth. The production of an object is divided into 2 logical parts. The first part is making

Holiday card

A DIY postcard using the scrapbooking technique is a real work of art. And anyone can make this masterpiece, the main thing is to know some secrets and prepare everything you need. Watercolor paper works very well for cards. She

Clock for children

To make a watch you will need: an eraser, a ruler, double-sided tape, brushes, watercolor paints, an old watch, a battery, a screwdriver, a piece of paper, a burning device, a pencil, a container of water and a plywood blank. The workpiece can be

New Year's champagne

It is impossible to imagine a single New Year's table without a bottle of champagne. But for our champagne to be truly festive, it needs to be beautifully decorated. For this we will use: water-based paint, tapes (or decorative

New Year's garland made of salt dough

When there is very little left until the New Year, I want to bring this joyful moment a little closer. If you don’t bring the New Year closer, you can at least create a festive mood by decorating your home. And if you make the decoration yourself, you can also

Making a knitted Christmas tree

To make a small funny Christmas tree, we will need the following materials: plaster, watercolor paints, coins, threads, knitting needles, needle, tape, cardboard, pencil, padding polyester filler, tubes from magazine sheets, tape of 2 colors, silicone glue,