Cereal bag with transparent window

Comfortable, cute, practical cereal bags are a good gift for a caring hostess. Thanks to the Velcro closure, the cereal will not spill out, and the transparent window will show you if it’s time to replenish the stock. To sew a bright bag you will need thick

Gift packaging

Today you will learn how to present an ordinary gift in an unusual way. Wrapping it in shiny paper with a flower pattern and tying it with a bow is, of course, cute and beautiful. But how can you make packaging not only beautiful, but also functional? Look

Gift packaging for CD

In the age of high technology, CDs are a must-have attribute of any home. They store a variety of information: from banal texts, films to memorable videos and photographs. And of course, a disc with photographs or videos from a memorable event is stored carefully, in

Egg made from threads

Holidays are always pleasant and fun. Recently, it has become especially popular to decorate the interior thematically, which further sets the mood for the holiday. One of the main Easter elements is the egg, which can also be

Bouquet of roses made from candies and paper

There is no such person who does not like sweets. Almost every holiday gift is complemented by the recipient's favorite candy. But giving them in regular packaging is too banal, and buying them in exclusive packaging is too expensive. Today I will tell you how

Soap rose

Women love to receive flowers as a gift. But not all men like to give them. Our advocates are often guided by the idea that it is better to give something practical. In this case, the best option is soap flowers. Yes, yes, soapy. Soap flowers.

DIY gift box

How many things that seem completely unnecessary to us at first glance and often create a mess in the house, actually go to waste. After all, in the skillful hands of a creatively thinking person, any little thing can turn into original, and most importantly,

Play complex for cats

When purchasing a small purring pet, future owners spend a lot of money to create comfortable conditions for it - beds, mattresses, scratching posts, toys, etc. One of the best solutions for such improvement is a gaming complex.

Box for Valentine's Day

A wonderful holiday is coming soon, Valentine's Day. If you want to please a loved one with a gift, but don’t know what to give. We present to you a master class on creating a “Valentine’s Day” box. Symbol of Valentine's Day

Gift packaging

Giving and receiving gifts is very pleasant. However, sometimes it happens that there is a gift, but everyone has forgotten about the packaging or did not have time to prepare it.The way out of this situation is very simple - make gift wrapping with your own hands! Now I will teach you how to do


The power of the play of light in terms of organizing comfort and coziness in the home has long been proven. Sconces, floor lamps, lamps - each of these lighting devices creates its own, unique contribution to the overall ambiance of the apartment. Sometimes, looking at a truly interesting and non-standard

"Delicious" Christmas decor

Decorating your home for Christmas is not only an American tradition, it is also popular here. The most interesting thing is to make the decor yourself. Felt is a very convenient material for modeling and making such holiday candies from it is very simple. For

Gift composition “Horseshoe” with sweets

Always, when we are invited to some kind of celebration, we rack our brains about what to give, what gift to choose so that it is original, beautiful, and unusual. You won’t surprise anyone with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne, but to do

Christmas tree from a candy box

Many people ask the question: how to decorate a house for the New Year holidays? Let's create together a little sister of a big New Year tree from candy packaging. For work you will need: candy packaging, plasticine or plaster, colored paper or foil. We

Christmas boot

Ideas for making toys to decorate the Christmas tree come completely unexpectedly. This happened this time too. When I saw the empty packaging of children’s socks, I thought how similar they were to the boots hanging by the fireplace. This is how it was formed

How to get a special decoration?

Namely, decoration made of polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic (thermoplastic). This material is quite easy to use: it resembles plasticine. Sometimes it is called “adult plasticine.” And rightly so, because this material is completely

Learning to make original gift wrapping

Gift wrapping often becomes a serious and difficult task when you don't know what to choose. As you know, the best gift is one made with your own hands and from the heart. Therefore, if a gift is ready, but you don’t know what to give it, help you out

Gift packaging

A simple solution for gift wrapping is a fabric bag made in patchwork style. It is useful in cases where you want to give several small gifts or something made with your own hands, and you can simply pour candy into it,

Stroller made from disposable diapers

A stroller made from disposable diapers or pampers is not only an original, but also a functional gift. After all, such a stroller can always be unpacked and all the accessories included in it can be used for their intended purpose. Lately, when meeting

Gift wrap

The original packaging design is one of the most important elements in gift design. You can make beautiful boxes for souvenirs yourself from inexpensive materials. Even a simple student can cope with this task.

Papier-mâché Easter egg

In order to make our craft - a bright, unbreakable Easter egg made of papier-mâché, we will need PVA glue, newspapers, water, gouache paints and plasticine.

Cookies for loved ones

The most pleasant, warm and exciting moments are the minutes spent with loved ones. And what could be better than a cup of hot, excitingly aromatic coffee in the morning with cream and homemade cookies with your family. We present you the original recipe

Building a house out of matches

Today we will learn how to make houses from matches. This is a very interesting technique for making a souvenir (or pyrotechnic device) from the cheapest material - matches. Moreover, you don’t need any glue or nails. Interested? Then

Has the economy lamp burned out?

Although, depending on the manufacturer, economy lamps have a warranty of up to 3 years. But consumers may be faced with the fact that the light bulb has burned out, and you do not have the packaging, purchase receipt, or the store has moved to another location, i.e.