House-tent for a pet

It's no secret that all cats have the habit of hiding in the most secluded corners of the apartment. Sometimes such games of hide and seek can cause a lot of trouble for owners, because their pet may start gnawing on wires or simply get stuck in one of these places. To


When organizing a children's birthday party, try the Mexican fun Piñata. A piñata is usually a fairly large papier-mâché shape that is hollow inside. It can be either a complex figure: a bird, a fish, the sun, etc., or a simple one

Ribbon organizer

If you do handicrafts, then you understand that there should always be order in tools and materials. After all, it affects the quality of work and the speed of its completion. And at one fine moment you notice how beautiful satin ribbons make

Toy traffic light

I bring to your attention an original educational craft toy made from an empty toothpaste box with step-by-step photos. This master class is intended for: kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, managers

Keychain in Yakut national style

Ordinary keychains and pendants sold in stores look banal and ordinary. We invite you to sew with your own hands a small accessory in the Yakut national style, called “Chapparakh”. This chapparakh was previously thrown onto a horse along with

How to build a cat house

Cats are capricious and willful animals. Each has not only its own character, but also addictions, from which sometimes oh, how difficult it is to wean them! And if the pussy really wants to make a nest for itself on the shelf of your closet with clothes, be prepared for the fact that

Original box made from scrap materials

Many craftswomen prefer to make everything with their own hands, especially boxes for handicrafts. It is very simple, not expensive and original. You can make a box of exactly the size that is needed, as well as the color that suits you best.

Candles made from paraffin and natural materials

Let's prepare everything we might need to make a candle. You can choose the shape and size yourself. I got a candle measuring 7 by 7 cm and 4 cm in height. Essentially, the size of the candle will depend on the parameters of the larger one.

Jewelry box

I think every girl has faced the problem of storing her jewelry. Every time you get ready for work or for a walk, you select jewelry for yourself. And here a problem arises: the necessary earrings and rings are almost impossible

Organizer for underwear

Necessary materials and tools: - box (you can use a box for shoes or small household appliances) - frame for the future organizer.To ensure that the organizer is strong, it is better to use a box made of thick thick cardboard. -

Gift envelope for CD

This master class will be devoted to creating a CD sleeve with your own hands. I want to warn you right away - be patient. The envelope is trimmed with fabric, and working with it is very painstaking!

Making a florarium

In order to create your own florarium at home, you will need the appropriate materials, tools, following step-by-step instructions, patience and desire.

Massage Mat

Taking the first steps, the child learns to walk. Then, when the basics of walking are fixed in him, and he boldly begins to run, the question arises about the correct gait and the formation of the foot. Today, almost half of children have problems with

Graphic T-shirt

Currently, T-shirts and tank tops with various designs and prints are very popular. Among all this variety, you can choose something to suit your taste. However, not many people think that you can make an original T-shirt yourself with

DIY gift box

How many things that seem completely unnecessary to us at first glance and often create a mess in the house, actually go to waste. After all, in the skillful hands of a creatively thinking person, any little thing can turn into original, and most importantly,

Weaving a laundry basket

An indispensable laundry basket in the household is a symbol of order in the house.Any self-respecting housewife appreciates these items and, of course, wants to have them at her disposal. Today we will try to make it with our own hands. For this we need:-

Wedding box for money or rings

To create this original box you will need: • a cell phone box, scissors, a needle and thread; • a piece of pink satin and double-sided tape; • organza ribbon width: white - 5 cm, yellow - 4 cm, orange and light green -

Miniature chest of drawers

For most needlewomen, the question often arises of how to place all the necessary little things. I also encountered the same problem when I decided to try making jewelry with my own hands. All earrings and other accessories necessary

Gift packaging

Giving and receiving gifts is very pleasant. However, sometimes it happens that there is a gift, but everyone has forgotten about the packaging or did not have time to prepare it. The way out of this situation is very simple - make gift wrapping with your own hands! Now I will teach you how to do

Thread box

Beautiful and convenient boxes for storing various trinkets are always needed in the house. For example, I like to knit, but over the years of doing this hobby I have collected a lot of leftover yarn, which, on the one hand, I need, and on the other, is constantly lying in

Miracle diaper cake

The birth of a new person is triumph, joy, tenderness! How I want to congratulate my loved ones on this event in a beautiful and original way! A wonderful handmade cake made from baby diapers will not leave any happy mother indifferent. A

Author's paper

Making handmade paper is a very creative and exciting process. The peculiarity of this master class is that to create your own custom paper you will not need any special devices or materials, everything

Luxurious picture frame

Everyone knows how the environment changes, all you have to do is hang a few paintings on the wall. Especially those, you know, solid, luxurious ones, in a heavy gilded frame. But, it’s worth asking the price for such picture frames in framing workshops, as they cover

Soft book

Any mother can sew a soft educational book from fabric. It requires minimal sewing skills, patience and time to create. Pleasure from the process is guaranteed - for the mother while she is creating, and for the baby while he is playing. Let's decide on the plots