Crafts. Page 10

Master classes:

How to make a latch on a door with a secret lock

Owners of garages and workshops worry about the safety of their tools and other valuables stored there. Such buildings always attract intruders. We offer the design of a very simple homemade lock, which can be opened

How to make a Van de Graaff Generator from PVC pipe

One of the interesting high-voltage devices is the Van de Graaff generator, a device that creates a high potential difference due to the electrification of a dielectric tape moving along two rollers. Depending on the scale of the device, it varies

How to make a sealant gun for a screwdriver from a PVC pipe

If you use sealants often and a lot, then you are well aware of the fatigue in your hand from constantly squeezing the gun lever. It will be much more convenient if it is not a simple mechanical one, but an electric one driven by a screwdriver. In this case

Do-it-yourself powerful cordless drill made from PVC pipe

An electric drill and drill are available in most home workshops and garages. Both tools have disadvantages. They need 220 V alternating current. Small parts cannot be processed with a drill. The drill has low productivity. On

How to make a belt sander based on a washing machine motor

The motor from a washing machine can be used to make a small, compact belt sander. The power of such a drive is quite enough for the homemade product to turn out no worse than a purchased grinder. This is really a real machine

How to Make a Tool to Remove Large Weeds Easily

To combat large weeds, you can make a specially designed tool. It allows you to grab the trunk of a large weed and pull it out by the roots without damaging the surrounding plants. You can also use it to dig up seedlings for transplanting.

How to install a dowel “tightly”

If you are assembling a wooden assembly on dowels and are sure that you will not disassemble it in the future, then there is a good option to add even more reliability and strength to such a connection by installing the dowels “tightly”. This life hack is also great

How to make a grinding machine from an old stripper engine

The presence of metal-cutting tools in a home workshop requires a sharpening machine at a price of several thousand rubles. With some skills of a metalworker and a novice electrician, you can make such a device yourself with minimal

How to make a smart deadbolt lock from trash

For the doors of outbuildings in a country house or farmstead, it is not necessary to spend money and buy factory-made locking products. If you have basic plumbing skills, you can make them yourself from waste materials and almost without spending money.

How to mark the ends of profile pipes for cutting at different angles and subsequent connection

When making structures from profile pipes, they often have to be connected at different angles. Cutting by eye leads to large errors and the joints turn out flimsy and unsightly. Below is a very simple markup method:

How to make a high-rise pruner from a regular pruner

A pole pruner may be needed to trim top branches or harvest the tops of trees. A tool like this on a long shaft can cost $100 or more. So, to save money, it is better to do it yourself by repurposing an old pruner.

How to make a beautiful knob on a post from a profile pipe

When installing fences, gates or gates, you want to highlight the outer posts by decorating them with a knob. This can be done in different ways. We offer a technology for creating a top on the edge of a pillar from a 100 mm profile pipe by bending it.

How to make a berry harvester

Blueberries and lingonberries can be collected very quickly if you tear them not with your hands, but using a special food processor and comb. Similar devices are sold, but they are made of hard steel, so they crush the berries. The proposed homemade device

How to make a device for twisting a strip into a spiral without heating

Elements twisted into a spiral from a steel strip serve both as part of the power structure of window and door grilles and as a decorative decoration. Making them using universal tools requires two people and frequent heating.

DIY device for picking cherries from a bottle in 5 minutes

It’s impossible to pick cherries from the thin upper branches with your hands, but that’s where the berries are the best. You can only reach them with a special device. It won't be difficult to do it.

3 simple useful tools that can be made in 10 minutes

Straight arms and a little intelligence allow you to invent a variety of tools and devices to improve your life. We offer 3 ready-made ideas that are easy to implement. At least one of them may be useful to you in the near future.

What can be made from scraps of PVC pipes? 5 useful ideas

The scraps of plastic pipes remaining after repairs can not be thrown away, but put to good use. It’s easy to make various devices out of them, from a dust collector for drilling to stands for wall-mounted tool storage.

How to make a reliable wood chipper from junk

In garden plots and summer cottages, after pruning trees and thinning bushes, harvesting vegetables, and cleaning the area, a lot of branches, tops and weeds are formed. To dispose of them, there are expensive factory shredders. So as not to waste

How to make a simple fruit picker from high branches from a PET bottle

If you want your fruits to be stored for as long as possible, then you need to pick them especially carefully so as not to damage the skin or drop the fruit. This simple picker made from a plastic bottle will help you carefully collect fruits from the upper branches.

A simple do-it-yourself bearing puller

To quickly and easily remove bearings, you need a puller. It allows them to be dismantled without damaging them, making it possible to reuse them. Making such a device from scrap materials will not be difficult, especially since all the components

How to make a clamp for assembling frames

For quick, precise assembly of frames, special clamps are used. They allow you to compress parts sawn at 45 degrees at a strictly right angle. It is very rare to find such a clamp in an ordinary construction or hardware store, so it

How to make a device for bending a steel strip into a circle on an edge

Using simple devices, you can easily transform a steel strip into a ring along the wide side. Bending on edge is much more difficult, and not everyone can do it. Having made another simple device, the transformation process

How to make the simplest custom bench vise

For a small workshop, a full-size bench vise is an unacceptable luxury. They are expensive, and there is nowhere to put them. For the average user, small removable vises are sufficient, which can be removed from the table when not needed. Trial

DIY chain bearing puller

If you don’t have a puller for bearings, then dismantling them usually turns into long tricks trying to make do with improvised means. Take 1 hour and make a roller chain puller. With it you can remove bearings in 10 seconds.