For children. Page 6

Master classes:

Linoleum mouse pads

After my son broke his third cortical computer mouse pad, I started thinking about what could replace it. I went through a bunch of options and settled on scraps from linoleum. Why not? The material is dense and smooth,

Nut monkey

Talented needlewomen or craftsmen, of course, are not made, but rather born. Creative people have a sense of colors, shapes and textures that is three times more developed than ordinary people. However, if the creative gift is not developed, do not create for it

Matchbox dressing table

Dolls need furniture just like people. Of course, now you can easily buy doll furniture in any toy store, but it will be much better if you make it together with your child. Such waste material is suitable as the main material

Bulk fruit

The creative process together with the baby can not only unite, but also enrich the child’s ideas about the world around him. Children willingly bring interesting ideas to life, realizing their creative potential and motor skills. Adult's task

Drawing on foam

Materials: - shaving foam (or for hair styling); - a shallow container, such as a flat plate or tray; - watercolor paints (pre-diluted in the palette); - scraper, spatula or spoon; - watercolor paper or cardboard, cut

Garlic costume

Today I decided to share how I created a garlic costume for my son for an autumn matinee. The work took about two hours, and the final result can be seen in the photo. What is needed? So, before you start creating, you should go over

Lemonade made from colored paper

In the summer season you just want to be cool. Lemonade with ice cubes, which can be made from colored paper, will help you freshen up. Required materials: - yellow, orange and green double-sided cardboard; - sponge for washing dishes; - drinking

Christmas goat

The Christmas goat is a traditional holiday decoration in Scandinavia. It is often made from straw. I suggest making a Christmas goat winding toy from threads. For work you will need: -2 cocktail straws; - electrical tape or

Pencil case-scroll

To accustom your baby to order and make the drawing process more fun, sew a bright pencil case for your little artist. It is convenient because during the drawing process the baby does not need to pour out all the accessories from the box:

Panama hat for girls

The sun gets hotter every day and kids can’t do without a hat when going for a walk. With the help of our master class, you can easily sew a Panama hat for a girl with your own hands. To sew a Panama hat, it is better to choose a dense natural one.

Craft game for developing memory and attention

The development of mental abilities is the main component of preparing children for school. The task of educators and parents is timely training of memory, perseverance and attention. Of course, there are many computer games aimed at developing

Toy garage for cars

When your child is a mischievous little boy who constantly needs cars, no matter how many there are in the house, it’s time to think about such a necessary thing as a garage. Usually small “models” tend to get lost somewhere, so the garage is like

Fairytale tree

For the tree you will need: • Beads in shades of blue, green, red, yellow (or another of your choice); • Beads in green shades (for the stand); • Beaded wire (thin); • Thick wire (for trunk and branches); • Thin, tight wire for

Basket of flowers

I would like to bring to your attention a basket of flowers made of crepe paper. Flowers made from this paper are incredibly beautiful and look almost like real ones. This craft is great for creativity with children, as there is something for everyone.

Popsicle stick vase

Using unusual materials in work, sometimes interesting and unique things are obtained. That's what happened with this candy bowl made from regular popsicle sticks. Not expensive and certainly an extraordinary product. And for work we need

Collage with photos “I’m growing”

A self-made photo collage is a budget option for decorating a nursery that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.According to the plan, it is designed to reflect the process of growing up of a little miracle from birth to one year. For him we

Craft for Easter

Easter, a holiday so significant for all Christians, is approaching and it’s time to start preparing: do some general cleaning, embroider an Easter towel or napkin and prepare presents for relatives. And today we will show you a manufacturing option

Stained glass butterfly

One of the favorite and most common decorations for bedrooms and living rooms is butterflies. Beautiful butterflies can be created from old plastic bottles and painted to your liking or in harmonious combination with the color of the wallpaper or home furnishings. For

Children's ottoman

Good afternoon. I have a little daughter, and I wanted to make her a soft and beautiful ottoman with my own hands and at the same time, so that it would be the right height. What I got out of this, I will now show and tell you. To make an ottoman for me

Cardboard bracelet

In the vast ocean of modern jewelry you can find your own piece of jewelry for every taste and color. However, I really want it to be different from everyone else. And this is where fantasy begins to work, new materials and techniques are sought to fulfill the desires of fashionistas.

Underwater adventures of a paper lamp

Once upon a time there lived on a store shelf a simple lampshade made of thin paper and it dreamed of being transformed. And one day it was taken away to decorate the children's room. Kids, as you know, love everything bright and magical, so it was decided that the flashlight would turn into an aquarium.


These butterflies are very beautiful and funny, any child will like them and will attract his attention.They are similar to natural butterflies in the color of their wings, but unlike living butterflies, they will not be able to fly away or die when clapping their hands while

Mosaic picture from disks "Pigeons"

Hello, today I can tell you about creating a painting from damaged or unnecessary CDs and DVDs. These unusual paintings turn out to be very beautiful - they sparkle and shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. But drawing up such pictures is not easy.

Angel in a ball of threads

I like to work with threads most of all; they are the most pliable and versatile material for crafts. I once tried to make a ball of thread and it turned out pretty good. Then the question of filling it arose. You can make a spring composition,