For children. Page 4

Master classes:

Children's vacuum cleaner for games

Children, playing role-playing games, get used to various images. And kids are best able to portray their parents leading home life. For such games you need various items that you can make yourself from scrap materials.

Garden in a pot

Not long ago, a line of decorating indoor plants in the form of a garden in pots appeared. It turns out to be a kind of landscape design in miniature. This idea is exciting and has quite a variety of developments. The works of the masters are truly amazing, because...

Toy "Chicken" made from pompoms

All children love toys. But it will be doubly pleasant to play with one that the baby made with his own hands, only occasionally resorting to the help of his parents. Today, crafts made from pompoms are very popular among both experienced needlewomen and

Basket for children's toys

When there are small children in the house, all the rooms turn into a warehouse for a wide variety of toys. There are so many of them that there is no longer enough space to store them.Therefore, we have to periodically go through toys, throw away broken ones,

Fish “Nemo” using the trimming technique

The cheerful and fearless clown fish from the cartoon “Finding Nemo” has long been loved by boys and girls. Thanks to this master class, you can quickly and easily make your favorite character together with your child. Simplicity and accessibility of presentation and

Foam and plastic decorations for decorative purposes

Summer is a special time. Many housewives, in addition to daily handicraft work, also take up landscaping of their dacha, garden or suburban area. After all, beautiful flower beds, even beds, as well as educational areas for children’s summer fun are the same

Red horse made of threads (motanka toy)

Cute motanka dolls, which are used with pleasure to decorate interiors in a folk style, and simply to decorate a child’s room, living room, or kitchen. Making them is pleasant and not very difficult, so the idea of ​​​​making such a doll

Cap made of knitting threads

Good afternoon Surely every grandmother has knitting threads at home that her mother wants to throw in the trash. Of course, it’s a shame to throw away large balls of a wide variety of threads, and so I propose an idea on how to make a beautiful one from knitting threads.

Decorative well made from popsicle sticks

Agree that making gifts with your own hands is both exciting and useful.Moreover, such an activity can bring real pleasure! Today we will consider a master class on making a well with a bucket from ice cream sticks. IN


A child learns something new every day; for him, any fact is a real discovery. You can learn about the life of representatives of the animal world from observing them, reading information in encyclopedias, watching feature films or videos on the Internet.

How to sew strawberries from felt

Small, funny, juicy and almost real strawberries, sewn from felt, can easily become an element of kitchen decor, a holiday table decoration, a keychain or toy food for a child. It’s not at all difficult to sew such strawberries, but you will need them

Portfolio in a box

Modern society pays close attention to the development and education of the younger generation. It is becoming fashionable not only to be proud of your child’s talents, but also to systematize his achievements, create folders with documents demonstrating

Owl photographer - camera lens toy

You always want to capture bright moments of childhood as a memory, but the child himself is rarely distracted from his activities to look into the camera lens. And a decoy toy, which is easy to make yourself, can serve as a creative solution.

Baby mobile for crib

] Today, a lot of crafts and various toys can be seen made from felt. Today I will tell you how to make a crib mobile with your own hands.For such a craft, we will need to cut a ring from plywood with a diameter of approximately 40 centimeters,

Textile educational book

One of the popular topics used to create educational textile books is Russian folk tales. Simple, understandable, kind, they are easily remembered by children, becoming their most favorite fairy tales. Before starting work you must

Toy “Good Brownie”

The fairy tale about a cute brownie inspired my granddaughter and me to create our own creativity. Finding materials took perhaps more time than sewing itself, because we came up with a simple pattern and worked with four hands.

Sponge toy

Ordinary bathing will turn into a fun activity if such a puppy named Mochalkin settles in your bathroom. It fits easily on your hand, perfectly holds soap suds and immediately performs two functions: as a bath accessory and as an entertainment device.

We sew an educational textile rug for girls

In order to sew a textile educational rug for a little girl, you will need a small piece of cotton fabric, low-density padding polyester, multi-colored felt of varying degrees of hardness, transparent plastic cases and packaging (this

Crochet educational cube

From the first years of a child’s life, many parents take the choice of toys for him seriously. The toy should be safe, interesting and contribute to the baby's development. You can not only choose and buy a toy in the store, but also make it your own

Decorating the house for Easter with children

Easter celebrations last a whole week.Since the holiday falls in spring, everyone wants to decorate their house brightly and colorfully in spring. Easter wreaths, painted eggs, and what else can you add to the interior of your apartment? We propose to decorate the house with ordinary,

Openwork vase with paper flowers

Soon the whole country will celebrate the most spring holiday - March 8th. And now many parents and children are coming up with more original crafts, drawing cards, making jewelry, which they will later give to their beloved women: grandmothers,

Toy-mitten “Snake”

You've probably seen more than once how adults play with children, pretending to be a snake with their hands. For such games, I suggest sewing a “Snake” mitten toy. For production you will need: - thin cardboard; - pencil, ruler, compass; - scissors; - thick fabric

Cucumbers using papier-mâché technique

Papier-mâché is an amazing technique that is perfect for working even with small children. Using this technique you can make anything your heart desires: a vase, a plate, a toy for the Christmas tree and many dummies. And today we will make crafts for everyone

Volumetric applique “Cheerful Snowman”

Today I will tell you about a three-dimensional applique made from ordinary paper napkins. This exciting work is very popular with children even of preschool age who do not yet know how to use scissors. The main thing is to go to the store and buy more