Volumetric applique “Cheerful Snowman”

Today I will tell you about a three-dimensional applique made from ordinary paper napkins. This exciting work is very popular with children even of preschool age who do not yet know how to use scissors. The main thing is to go to the store and buy more colorful napkins. And then create small masterpieces with your children every day. This application is interesting for both boys and girls.
This master class is dedicated to making a funny snowman. To work you need to collect the following materials:
- colored sheet – background of the work;
- white napkins;
- colored napkins (blue and pink);
- a tube of PVA glue;
- felt-tip pens.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

For the base, you can use any colored paper or cardboard. Our craft will be white in color, so the background should be dark. Purple construction paper works great.
First, decide on the number of balls for the snowman (there can be two, three or more). Apply PVA glue to the base, as if drawing a snowman.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

Then take one white napkin and form a ball. Try not to squeeze the thin paper too tightly to create a bulky piece.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

Glue the largest ball to the bottom.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

Then form two more balls, slightly smaller in size. And apply glue to the places where the snowman's arms and legs will be.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

To make them, you need to divide one napkin into four equal parts and form oval blanks.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

You can make a headdress from a colored napkin and glue it at the top.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

All that remains is to use felt-tip pens to draw the snowman’s face and buttons. Although, these parts can also be twisted from napkins.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

A funny three-dimensional snowman made from napkins is ready!
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

You can add an applique with your favorite other details. For example, let it snow (small tight balls made of a white napkin), or the hero will have a broom or shovel in his hands (the napkins are curled into flagella).
My daughter also worked with me. She made two balls, a pink hat, since she has a “snow girl” and not a snowman. It turned out very beautiful.
Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

Volumetric applique Cheerful snowman

Children really like this kind of work, since they do not need to use scissors to cut out complex elements, but only paper forms are needed. Each time you can come up with new works: a Christmas tree in the snow, a bouquet of flowers, birds on a branch, a tree in flowers and much more. At the initial stages, you can offer your child a graphic drawing, which he will begin to fill with colored blanks and a three-dimensional applique will appear.
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
Comments (1)
  1. Vladislav
    #1 Vladislav Guests 19 December 2016 15:15
    Well done daughter!