Present. Page 5

Master classes:

Fabric postcard as a gift

Many of us like to give our loved ones what we have made with the help of our imagination. This category also includes postcards that we make with our own hands. So, you are planning to please your family, trying to get something at the end of the work

Floor vase made from scrap materials

It happens: in a cozy interior you feel the lack of a small touch. It could be a floor lamp, an elephant figurine or a floor vase. A standing interior vase is quite an expensive pleasure. But you can make just such a vase from scrap material,

Candy cake

Cake has always been the main attribute of any holiday, be it a wedding, the birthday of a child or an elderly person, a name day or a tea party. Without cake, fun is not fun, and a feast is not a feast. A delicious sweet treat is waiting for everyone at the end

Mini cardboard box

If you are planning to give someone a small souvenir, then take care of its packaging.A beautiful box looks much more presentable than a paper or cellophane wrapper. Moreover, it is very easy to make a box yourself. Technique

Photo frame using decoupage technique

Gifts made with love, with your own hands, are always unique, interesting, and unusual. In addition, it is not at all expensive. But if there are holidays coming up - New Year or March 8th - then a lot of presents are required, and this is a big blow to financial

New Year's master class “Snow Globe”

You will need: A small glass jar (for example, from Agusha baby food); Small items for decorating a souvenir (kinder surprises, New Year's toys, keychains, pine cones, beads); Vaseline oil or glycerin – 50 ml;

DIY money tree

The money tree is not only the most popular, but also the most effective talisman of wealth. In addition, it will decorate any interior. It’s quite easy to make a money tree with your own hands, just stock up on the necessary materials, time and

How to make a postcard as a gift with your own hands?

Many of us strive to give beautiful cards to our family and friends. Of course, you can buy them in stores, but you can make them yourself. Today we will consider a master class dedicated to making such a postcard. So for

Bells with cockerel

The month of December has already arrived, and there is nothing left until the New Year, and there are still so many things ahead of us. The New Year's bustle is always pleasant, albeit troublesome.There is so much to do. First of all, come up with a New Year's menu, buy

New Year trees with sweets using the sweet design technique

Winter has come and brought with it many new emotions and changes. With the onset of each season, not only a person’s life changes, but also their mood, so, for example, winter is not only snow, cold and frost, it is also many different and joyful holidays,

New Year's gift wrapping

The New Year's bustle has already begun. And not only in homes, but also in stores. The options offered are dizzying. But you always want something unique. To create an original gift, you only need a beautiful box and half an hour

Picture frame with decorative elements

If you like to draw, assemble puzzles or cross-stitch, then you have undoubtedly at least once encountered the problem of purchasing a frame for your creation. I don’t want to dress my own masterpiece in standard edging, but non-standard solutions

Gift wrap

Sometimes the originality of a gift depends not on the gift itself, but on its packaging. You can, for example, buy a couple of candles or a small towel with the symbol of the coming new year. Such gifts are relatively cheap, but quite practical.

New Year card

The long-awaited New Year is coming soon and you definitely need to buy some presents for all your family and friends. The gift should come with a card, but designer options are expensive. But they are created by the same people. Then why not

Master class on candy composition “Gifts under the Christmas tree”

New Year - which means it's time to give gifts! They are different: beautiful, desirable, tasty, unusual, bright and, of course, festive. This master class will clearly demonstrate how to make a gift that can combine all these qualities.

Vintage New Year gift packaging

This simple method will show you how to wrap a gift in a vintage style in an unusual and beautiful way. Using a little imagination and available materials, make a unique and individual design for a New Year's gift. Required materials: - sheet

Unusually shaped cards for men

Oh, and it’s not an easy task for women when they are going to congratulate men on the holiday. And it doesn’t even matter what holiday it is, and how you have to prepare for it, the result remains the same, it’s hard to decide on a gift. After all, you always want

New Year's card "Golden Cockerel"

Materials used: Thick paper; Sequins; PVA glue; Thin brush; A stationery knife (or at least a blade); Paper clips; Pen or pencil...

How to make a postcard with a 3D Christmas tree

Everyone is pleased to become the owner of a handmade gift. Let's try to make a New Year's card out of paper today. We will need: scissors, a sheet of plain white paper, a glue stick, double-sided colored paper in 5 colors...

Envelopes-cards for birthday

There are quite a few ways to not only congratulate a person on his birthday, but also to really surprise and delight him. So that this holiday, his birthday, is not just like another tick and a year is added to his life,

Patchwork without a needle - “kinusaiga”: Butterfly

Many people know what patchwork or patchwork sewing is, and they know very well how labor-intensive it is, after all, sewing all the small pieces of fabric together, and even trying to assemble them into a harmonious mosaic and ironing the seams, it’s not so easy. A

A box for photos and mementos of your baby

Surely every mother has the most pleasant and incredible feelings and memories when she gives birth to a daughter. This moment is always very exciting and you want to literally capture every second. Therefore, they try to photograph or film

Bouquet of flowers made from candies

To please your sweet tooth with your favorite sweets, you can present them in an original way in the form of a beautifully decorated bouquet of flowers, where the sweets will be cleverly disguised in petals made of corrugated paper. This bouquet is quite simple to make

Wooden napkin box

If you want to give someone an original gift with your own hands, or just make something new for yourself, but you just can’t decide what exactly, then I suggest considering this craft option. Wooden napkin box